
A Metric value can be a:

  • Query Value:

    Based on a Search Query (ex: Open Incidents, SLAs warnings and breaches, records with unread Journals, etc.). Queries can contain simple calculation functions (ex: Averages, such as Incident MTTR).

  • Calculation:

    Calculated measurement that involves other values (can be other Metrics) and math operator (ex: FCR rate).

Note: Metric values are stored (cached) on and retrieved from the local machine of the User who requests the Metric. Once cached, the local User can retrieve any of the cached values for use in a Gauge Widget, Expression, or Query.
In CSM, a Metric can be used in:
  • Expressions:

    To conditionally control appearance and behaviors (example: Change a Widget's border color to red if the FCR rate is less than 75 percent).

  • Gauge Widgets:

    To monitor service desk performance on Dashboards (example: Number of records, MTTR, FCR, success, satisfaction).

  • Queries:

    To find/filter data (example: Find all surveys where the score is below the Customer satisfaction rate).

CSM provides several OOTB Metrics to help get you started. Use these OOTB Metrics as-is, edit them, or create your own using the Metric Manager.

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