Add a Related Item Picker Control to a Form

Create a new Blueprint and use the Form Editor to add a Related Item Picker Control to a Form. When you add a Related Item Picker Control to a Form, you define:
  • Picker type: Select which Picker Control type to display:
    • Customer: Provides access to the Contact Manager and Customer Records.
    • CMDB: Provides access to the CI database and CI Records.
    • Configurable List of Values: Provides access to a configurable list of values (example: Incident Categorization).
  • Relationship: Define a Relationship to determine which related values display in the Picker Control. For example, the Customer Control on an Incident Form automatically uses the IncidentLinksCustomer Relationship because it displays Customer information; the CMDB Control automatically uses IncidentLinksConfiguration Item Relationship because it displays CI information. The Customer and CMDB pickers are only available if the Business Object has a Relationship to the Customer and Configuration Item Group Leaders.
  • Optional functionality:
    • Store Display Text in Field: Provides the option to display a custom value in the Picker Control field (example: the name of a CI in the CMDB, or the names of Customers in the Contact Manager). By default, Related Item Picker Controls display the related Object's Public ID value. However, this option allows you to select a different field in the related Object, if needed.
    • Default Type Hint Field: Provides the option to provide a list of values when multiple values are available (example: the Picker Control points to a Group Business Object and you want to specify a different list of values for each Group Member).
    • Filter: Provides the option to define one or more filters to constrain the values displayed in the Picker Control (example: the Control field only displays Customers from a particular office).
    • Default settings: Define default Configuration Item display settings for the CMDB Control.

To add a Related Item Picker to a Form:

  1. Open a Form in the Form Editor.
  2. Drag-and-drop the Related Item Picker Control from the Special Control tree onto the Form.
  3. Right click the Control field in the Form Editor.
  4. Select Control Properties. The Related Item Picker Properties window opens.
  5. Select a Picker type from the drop down.
    • Customer
    • CMDB Selector
    • Configurable List of Values
  6. (Optional) Select a radio button to define default Configuration Item order in the CMDB window:
    1. Show Config Items for Customer: If selected, the CMDB window displays Configuration Items for a single customer by default. This selection only appears if the CMDB Picker type is chosen from the Picker type drop down.
    2. Show Config Items for All Customers: If selected, the CMDB window displays Configuration Items for all customers. This selection only appears if the CMDB Picker type is chosen from the Picker type drop down.
  7. Select a Relationship to attach to the Picker Control.
  8. (Optional) Define the display text:
    1. Store Display Text in Field drop down: Select the Field that provides the values to display in the Picker Control (example: name of item).
    2. Default Type Hint Field drop down: Select the Field in the related object that points to the appropriate list of values. This is useful if the Picker Control points to a Group Object, and you want to specify a different list of values for each Group Member.
  9. (Optional) Define one or more filters to constrain the values displayed in the Control:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Select a Field in the Business Object you are currently working with.
    3. Select an Operator (example: equals).
    4. Select a Value for the Field.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Repeat for all desired constraints.
  10. Use the Form Editor to define how each Control looks and behaves on the Form (example: Size, image, alignment, anchoring, layering, visibility, and tab order).
  11. Publish the Blueprint or save the Blueprint
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