Change Dashboard

CSM provides a OOTB Change Dashboard that intuitively organizes your critical metrics into a single, real-time, at-a-glance Change control panel.

Change Dashboard

Note: Change metrics are also found on other OOTB Dashboards (example: Global IT).

The following table describes the items on the Dashboard.

Item Description Widget Type Widget Name Widget Uses:
All Open Change Requests All open Changes. Search Results List CDAll Open Changes All Open Changes Search Group
My Change Reviews Number of approved Changes owned by the current User. Search Results List CDAll Approved Changes My Approved Changes Search Group
Approved Changes All approved Changes. Text Gauge CDTotal Approved Changes Approved Changes Search Group
Linked Incidents or Problems Open Changes that have either at least one linked Incident or one linked Problem. Text Gauge Changes with Linked Incidents or Problems Active Changes with Linked Incidents and Problems Search Group
Open Past Scheduled Close Date Open Changes (Status does not = Closed) that are open past the time they are scheduled to be closed (Created Date Time is greater than Scheduled End Date. Text Gauge CDOpen Changes Past Request Date All Open Past Scheduled Close Date Search Group
Changes Outside Window Open Changes (Status does not = Closed) that occur outside of the maintenance window (Not During Maintenance Window = True). Text Gauge CDOpen Change Outside of Maintenance Window Open Changes Not During Maintenance Window Search Group
High Risk Changes Uncompleted Changes (Status does not = Complete) with a risk value that is greater than/equal to 3. Text Gauge CDHigh Risk Changes High Risk Changes Search Group
Change Request Life Cycle Number of open Changes based on status. Pipeline Chart CDChange Request Lifecycle All Open Changes Search Group
Open Change Requests by Type Percentage of open Changes based on type. Doughnut Chart CDChanges by Type Change Requests Search Group
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