Configure Global File Attachment Settings

Use the Attachments page in the Security Settings window (in CSM Administrator) to configure Global Attachments settings, including:

  • Maximum allowable file size to import, in MB.
  • Which file types can be imported (example: All, explicit include list, or explicit exclude list).

Each Security Group can be configured to override the global settings.

To configure the default Attachment security settings:

  1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Security category, and then click the Edit Security Settings task.
  2. Click the Attachments page.
  3. Select the Limit Imported File Size to check box to specify a maximum allowable file size to import, in MB. Then, provide the file size limit, in MB. If not selected, there is no limit and any size file can be imported.
  4. Define allowable file types to be imported as Attachments (select one option):
    • Allow any files:

      Select this radio button to allow all file types.

    • Only allow files with the following extensions:

      Select this option to import only explicit extensions. Then, provide the extensions to include (ex: pdf), separated by a comma, either by typing directly in the Extensions box, or by clicking the Choose File Types button Choose File Type Button to open the Select File Types window.

    • Allow files with any extension except:

      Select this option to exclude explicit extensions. Then, provide the extensions to exclude, separated by a comma, either by typing directly in the Extensions box, or by clicking the Choose File Types button Choose File Type Button to open the Select File Types window.

    Tip: To restore the OOTB default file types, click the Restore to Cherwell defaults button Restore to Cherwell Defaults Button.
  5. Click OK.

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