Configure Global Help Settings

Use the Help page in the CSM Administrator System Settings window to configure the following Global Help settings:

  • If and where to access an alternative Help System rather than the context-sensitive CSM Help System.
  • Whether or not to globally enable/display Process and Terminology Help for Business Objects and Fields: Process and Terminology Help text/Help Systems/sites are defined for each Business Object/Field in the Process and Terminology pages in the Business Object/Field Properties windows.

To configure Global Help settings:

Alternate Help Site Accesses a defined Help System/site rather than the OOTB CSM Help System. Then define which Help System/site to use (in the URL field).
URL Specify the URL to where the alternative Help System/site is stored.
Pass Parameters Enables passing parameters.
Show Process and Terminology Help Enables/shows Process and Terminology Help in CSM. Process and Terminology Help text is defined in the Process and Terminology pages in the Business Object/Field Properties windows.
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