Create a Customer Workgroup

Use the Team and Workgroup Manager to define the following for a Customer Workgroup:

  • Info: Name, description, and e-mail information about the Workgroup.
  • Members: Customers in the Workgroup.

Good to know:

  • If configured, record ownership rights (View, Add, Edit, Delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and Teams/Workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.

To create a Customer Workgroup:

  1. Open the Team and Workgroup Manager
  2. Select the User Teams radio button.
  3. Select the Customer Workgroup radio button.

    The Manager lists the existing Workgroups.

  4. Click the Create New button Create New Button.

    A [New] Workgroup is added to the list.

  5. Define general information for the Workgroup:
    1. Click the Info tab.
    2. Name: Provide a name for the Workgroup.
    3. Image:

      Click the Image button to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

    4. Description:

      Provide a description to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

  6. Define options for determining how e-mails are sent to the Workgroup (when the Workgroup is chosen as an e-mail recipient):
    1. Send to All Members Who Have a Valid E-mail Address: Select this radio button to send e-mails to all of the addresses for all Customers in the Workgroup (based on the member list created in the next step).
    2. Send to This Alias: Select this radio button, and then provide the e-mail alias (ex: to send e-mails to an already-defined e-mail alias. This option is useful if a company has created an e-mail alias (ex: Company Administrators), which mirrors the membership Workgroup.
  7. Add Customers to the Workgroup:
    1. Click the Members tab.
    2. Click the Add button.

      The Contact Manager opens.

    3. Click a Customer to add to the Workgroup, and then click OK.
    4. To designate one of the members as a Workgroup manager, select a Customer (member), and then select the Customer Workgroup Manager check box. You can designate more than one manager, if needed.

      Note: If configured, record ownership rights (View, Add, Edit, Delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and Teams/Workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.

    5. Click OK.

    The Customer is added to the Workgroup.

  8. Click Save Save Button.
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