Create a Group Map

Use the Group Map Editor (accessed through the Group Map Manager) to create Group Maps. When you create a Group Map, you define:

  • Name and description of the Group Map.
  • The Group Object to which Field values are mapped.
  • The Business Object, Fields, and values to use for the map.

To create a Group Map:

  1. Open the Group Map Manager.
  2. Select a Business Object association.
    Note: If you opened the Group Map Manager from the Field Properties window, the Association is automatically set to the Business Object associated with the Field.
  3. Click the Create New button.
  4. Define general properties for the Group Map.
    Option Description

    Provide a display name to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

    Description (Optional)

    Provide a description to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

  5. Define the Business Objects and Fields to use for the Group Map.
    Option Description
    Map to Group Select a Group Leader to which values are mapped.
    Starting Business Object Select the Business Object that contains the Field to be auto-populated. If you opened the Group Map Manager from the Field Properties window, the starting Business Object is automatically set to the Business Object associated with the Field.
    First map Field Select a Field from the starting Business Object that will be the primary Field whose values determine which Group Member to map to.
    Second map Field (Optional) Select a Field from the starting Business Object that will be the primary Field whose values determine which Group Member to map to.
  6. Map rows to define the Group Member to which Fields are mapped based on the values they contain.
    Tip: To add the first map row, select values in the drop-downs. To add new rows after that, click New Row.
    Option Description
    Value in Field 1 Select a value from the Group Object for the first mapped Field. The Field is mapped to the appropriate Group Member based on the value in this Field.
    Value in Field 2 Select a value from the Group Object for the second mapped Field. The Field is mapped to the appropriate Group Member based on the value in this Field as well as the value in Field 1.
    Tip: Click the Valid Values button to open the Quick Selector for the mapped Field(s), where you can select valid values.
    Group Member Select a Group Member to which the selected Field(s) will be mapped when they contain the defined the values.
  7. Select the Map should use all Group Members check box if the map should use all of the members in a Group Object.
  8. Click OK.

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