Business Object Usage and Examples

The Cherwell REST API supports basic CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on all Business Objects.

Usage: Field Identifiers

CSM field identifiers come in two forms:

  • Field identifiers for the main business object:


  • Field Identifiers for mapped relational fields:




Once a field has been created, its ID will not change.

Usage: Batch Operations

You can perform batch CRUD operations that allow you build up a collection of SaveRequests, ReadRequests or DeleteRequests on the client, and then send them as a batch to be processed on the server. This can greatly improve performance.

As batch operations are being processed, if one item in the batch fails to save, the entire batch stops processing if StopOnError is set to true. If StopOnError is set to false, the system will continue processing the remaining items in the batch.

When the system finishes processing the batch, a batch response is returned to the client. Inside of that object there is a collection of responses so you can determine if each batch operation failed or succeeded.

Usage: Creating and Updating Business Objects

Use these operations to create or update Business Objects:
  • savebusinessobject
  • savebusinessobjectbatch
  • saverelatedbusinessobjects

To create Business Objects, do not include a record ID or public ID in the request.

To update existing Business Objects, specify the record ID or public ID in the request. If duplicate public IDs exist, you must use the record ID.

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