Create a Language Pack

Use the Create Language Pack Wizard to create a Language Pack based on a source culture and scope, such as content strings for a specific Business Object or CSM Portal strings.

You can then use the Language Pack Editor to translate the strings or export the strings and send them to a vendor for translation.

  1. In the CSM Administrator Main Window, select the Globalization category, and then select Manage Language Packs.
  2. On the Manage Language Packs page, click Create.
  3. Click Next on the Language Pack Wizard Welcome page.
  4. Select a target culture. This represents the language and locale you want to translate to. Example: Select French (Canada) to translate source strings to Canadian French.
  5. Click Next.
    The Identify the Scope of the Language Pack page opens.
  6. Identify the scope for your Language Pack. You can choose to:
    • System Strings:
      • Definitions

        Extract all content strings or strings for specific Business Objects.

        When you extract specific Business Objects, all strings associated with those Business Objects are extracted.

      • Portal

        Extract Portal platform strings, Portal content strings, or both.

      • Lookup Table Data

        Extract strings for Field values in Lookup Tables.

        Note: You must configure Lookup Tables for localization before you can create a Language Pack. See Enable Localization Support for a Lookup Table.
    • None

      Create an empty Language Pack. Empty Language Packs are useful for merging multiple Language Packs with the same target language. For more information, see Use Small Scopes for Language Packs.

    For more information, refer to String Types.
  7. Click Next.
    If you chose to create the Language Pack with specific Business Objects, the Identify Specific Business Objects page opens.
  8. Select the Business Objects to include in your Language Pack. You can choose from:
    • Major
    • Supporting
    • Lookup
    • Group Leader
    • Group Member
    Tip: Use the options at the top of the list to filter Business Objects by type. You can also click the Type column to sort the list.
  9. Click Next.
    If you chose to choose to include Lookup Tables in your Language Pack, the Identify Specific Lookup Tables page opens.
  10. Select the Lookup Tables to apply translations to.
  11. Click Next.
    If you chose to include Portal strings in your Language Pack, the Identify Specific Sites page opens.
  12. Select the Sites to apply translations to.
  13. On the Order the Source Cultures page, use the arrows to order the selected source cultures to determine the fall-back mechanism for strings that don't exist in a particular language. For more information, refer to Fall-back Mechanism.
  14. On the Define Properties page, provide a name and description for your Language Pack.
  15. On the Summary page, review the options you selected.
  16. Click Back to change your options; click Finish to complete the wizard.
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