Obtaining API Client IDs

Client IDs are created in the CSM Administrator.

Note: You can create separate client IDs to control access for specific Users and specific integration tools.
  1. From the Main window, select Security.
  2. Click Edit REST API client settings.
  3. Click the Plus icon.
  4. Provide these settings for the client ID:
    Setting Description
    Name Provide a name for the client ID.
    Culture Select a language-specific culture.
    Token lifespan Set the amount of time the access token will be active.
    Refresh Token lifespan Set the amount of time the refresh token will be active.
    API access is enabled When selected, the client ID is enabled. When cleared, the client ID is disabled. Clear the check box to disable the client ID without deleting it.
    Allow anonymous access Select to make the REST API available to anonymous users.
  5. Copy the client ID and provide it to REST API users.
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