Parameter Glossary

The following conventions are used in this glossary:

  • Internal ID: The database ID for a specific object.
  • Name: Typically, the display name for an object.
  • Public ID: Typically, the ID shown to users, such as an incident ID or a user's full name.
  • Record ID: The database ID for a specific record.
  • Search Item: Saved searches, also known as a stored query.
  • Search Results: A set of records returned by a Search.

The operation usage is noted for each parameter, unless a parameter is used across multiple operation types, such as busobid.

  • .expires

    For Token operation responses, the date and time a token expires.

  • .issued

    For Token operation responses, the date and time a token was issued.

  • access_token

    For Token operation responses, the issued access token.

  • accountLocked

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate that a user account is locked.

  • actions

    For Mobile Form operation responses, a list of action objects available for a Form.

  • add

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if "Add" is granted to a Security Group for a specific right.

  • addUserToTeamRequests

    For Security operation requests, a list of objects for adding users to Teams.

  • allfields

    For Business Object operation requests, a flag to include all related Business Object Fields.

  • allow

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if "Allow" is granted to a Security Group for a specific right.

  • allowQuickSearch

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate if Quick Search is allowed.

  • allowSpecificSearch

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate if Specific Search is allowed.

  • allowValuesOnly

    For Search operation responses, a flag to indicate that only specified values can be used for a prompt (true) or that any value can be provided (false).

  • altitude

    For Mobile Form operation responses, the altitude for a specific Business Object record (if location awareness is enabled).

  • apiVersion

    For Service Information responses, the version of the Cherwell REST API you are using.

  • applicationtype

    For Security operation requests, the type of application to get authentication settings for. Values are RichClient (CSM Desktop Client), BrowserClient, BrowserPortal (CSM Portal), and MobileClient (Cherwell Mobile).

  • ascending

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate results are sorted in ascending order.

  • as:client_id

    For Token operation responses, API Client ID used to request a token.

  • association

    The internal ID for the Business Object association.

  • attachBusObId

    For Business Object attachment requests, the internal ID for the type of Business Object to attach to another Business Object.

  • attachBusObName

    For Business Object attachment requests, the display name for the type of Business Object you want to attach to another Business Object.

  • attachBusObPublicId

    For Business Object attachment requests, the public ID for the type of Business Object you want to attach to another Business Object.

  • attachBusObRecId

    For Business Object attachment requests, the internal ID for the Business Object to attach to another Business Object.

  • attachedBusObId

    For Business Object attachment responses, the internal ID for the type of Business Object attached to another Business Object.

  • attachedBusObRecId

    For Business Object attachment responses, the internal ID for the Business Object attached to another Business Object.

  • attachmentFileId

    For Business Object attachment operations, the internal ID for a file attachment.

  • attachmentFileName

    For Business Object attachment operations, the path and file name of an file attachment.

  • attachmentFileType

    For Business Object attachment operations, the type of file attachment.

  • attachmentId

    For Business Object attachment operations, the internal ID for a record that contains information about a file attachment.

  • attachments

    For Business Object attachment operations, alist of objects related to Business Object attachments.

  • attachmentTypes
    For Business Object attachment operations, the type of file attachment:
    • 0 = Imported into the database.
    • 1 = Linked to an external file.
    • 2 = URL attachment.
  • attributes

    A list of attributes defined for specific Fields.

  • auth_mode

    For Token operation requests, the authentication mode to use for requesting an access tokens. Options are Internal (for CSM authentication), Windows, LDAP, and SAML.

  • autoFill

    For field schema responses, a flag that indicates if Auto-Populate is enabled.

  • body

    For Business Object attachment upload operations, the body of the request is the byte array of the file part being uploaded.

  • browserClientCustomViewId

    For Security operation responses, the internal ID of the Browser Client View assigned to a Role.

  • businessObjectExcludeList

    For Security operation responses, the internal IDs for Business Objects that are excluded for a Role.

  • busobid/busObID

    The internal ID for a Business Object type, such as Incident or Task.

  • busobname/busObName
    The display name for a Business Object type. Examples include:
    • Incident
    • Task
    • Service Cart
  • busobrecid

    The internal ID for a single Business Object record.

  • calculated

    For field schema responses, a flag that indicates if an Expression is used to calculate the field's value.

  • caption

    For field schema responses, the title for a column on the Business Object Grid.

  • category

    For field schema responses, a string that indicates the folder used to organize the field.

  • categoryDescription - getsecuritygroupcategories

    Not used by the REST API.

  • categoryid

    For Security Group operations, the internal ID for the Security Group category.

  • categoryname

    For Security Group operations, the display name for the Security Group category.

  • changedLimits

    For Quick Search operation responses, the limits based on changes made in a specific time frame.

  • changedOption

    For Search Item operations, an indicator that a change limit can be used. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • childFolders

    For Search Item operation responses, a list of child folders that contain Stored Queries.

  • childItems

    For Search Item operation responses, a list of Stored Queries that are children of a scope.

  • client_id

    For Token operation requests, the API client ID for the client making the token request.

  • client_secret

    For Token operation requests, the API client secret for the native client making the token request. This is only required for native clients.

  • columns

    For Quick Search operation responses, a list of properties for each field on the Business Object Grid. Columns are returned when the schema flag it set to true.

  • comment

    A text string.

  • constraintXml

    For Search Results operation responses, an XML version of properties for a constraint used for a Prompt.

  • created

    For Business Object attachment operations, the date and time an attachment was added to a Business Object.

  • createDateTime

    For Security operation responses, the date and time a user account was created.

  • csmCulture

    For Service Information operations, the default culture for CSM.

  • csmVersion

    For Service Information responses, the CSM version.

  • culture

    For Security operation responses, the language code for the culture assigned to a Role.

  • cultureCode

    For Core operations, the internal code for a culture.

  • currencyCulture

    For field schema responses, the Currency Culture set for Number fields.

  • currencySymbol

    For field schema responses, the currency symbol for the Currency Culture set for Number fields.

  • customGridDefId

    For Search operations, the internal ID for the Grid used to override Field list settings.

  • customGridId

    For Business Object operations, the internal ID for the Grid used to override Field list settings.

  • customSeparator

    For Business Object attachment requests, a custom separator for exports to a text file.

  • dateTimeFormatting

    For ExportSearchResults only, the format for Date/Time fields. For example: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy.

  • decimalDigits

    For field schema responses, the number of digits for a Number field that appear in the field value after the decimal point.

  • default

    For Search Results operation responses, the default value set for a Prompt.

  • defaultSortOrderAscending

    For Search operation responses, a flag to indicate the default sort order. True is ascending; false is descending.

  • defaultToQuickSearch

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate that if both Quick Search and Specific Search are allowed, Quick Search is the default (true).

  • delete

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if "Delete" is granted to a Security Group for a specific right.

  • deleteRequests

    A list of of deleteRequest objects that will be processed.

  • departmentMemberEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a department member can edit Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • departmentMemberView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a department member can view Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • description

    The description of an object.

  • details

    For field schema responses, a string of attributes set for a field.

  • dirty

    A flag to update a Field value if true. If false, the value is not updated.

  • displaytext/displayName

    The display text for the item.

    For example, use the attachment name, which is the display text for an attachment record.

  • docRespositoryItemID

    For Quick Search operation responses, the internal ID for a Document Repository.

  • edit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if Edit rights are granted.

  • emailAlias

    For Security operation requests, the e-mail alias assigned to a Team.

  • enabled

    For field schema responses, an expression that is being evaluated.

  • error

    An error message. (Deprecated in V2 operations.)

  • errorCode

    A text string used to indicate a type of error message.

  • errorMessage

    An error message.

  • expires_in

    For Token operation responses, the number of seconds before a token expires.

  • exportFormat
    For Search Operation requests, the format of exported searches:
    • 0 = CSV
    • 1 = Excel
    • 2 = Tab
    • 3 = Word
    • 4 = Custom Separator
    • 5 = Simple JSON
  • exportTitle

    Not applicable to the REST API.

  • fieldDefinitions

    For field schema responses, a list of properties for each field.

  • fieldId

    The internal ID for a Field.

  • fieldName

    The display name of a field.

  • fieldNames

    For Business Object template requests, a comma-delimited list of Field names. By default, all Fields are requested.

  • fieldPermissions

    For Security operation responses, a list of rights objects for a Security Group.

  • fields

    In most cases, set a Field parameters, such as fieldId, name, and value.

    For search operations, a list of Fields to return.

  • fieldsList

    A specific list of Fields to request.

  • fieldValidationErrors

    A list of objects related to field validation.

  • filename

    For Business Object attachment requests, the name of a file attachment being uploaded.

  • filters

    For Search operations, a set of filters to apply to searches. Each filter includes fieldId, operator, and value.

  • firstRecIdField

    For Business Object schema operations, the first Record ID field specified for a Business Object.

  • folder/folderId

    The name or internal ID of an item's folder.

  • foredit

    For Form operations, a flag to get an editable version of a Form.

  • formid

    The internal ID for a Form.

  • fullFieldiD

    A string containing the internal Business Object ID and internal Field ID.

  • galleryImage

    For Mobile Form operations, the image shown on the form.

  • grant_type

    For Token operation requests, the type of token being requested: password or refresh token.

  • gridDefinitions

    The internal IDs for grids associated with a Business Object.

  • gridid

    The internal ID for the custom Grid that contains the Field list.

  • group

    For Business Object operation responses, a flag to indicate that the Business Object is a group leader.

  • groupid

    For Security operations, the internal ID for a Security Group.

  • groupname

    For Security operations, the display name for a Security group.

  • groups

    For Quick Search operation responses, a set of objects and a results list for a simple text search.

  • groupSummaries

    For Business Object operation responses, a list of objects for members of a Business Object group.

  • hasAnyOptions

    For Quick Search operation responses, true if search configuration option is set to Display (2) or UseAndDisplay (3).

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • hasDate

    For field schema responses, indicates if a Date/Time field displays dates.

  • hasDefaultSortField

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate if a field has a default sort order. Use with defaultSortOrder.

  • hasError

    A flag to indicate an error needs to be reviewed.

  • hasPrompts

    For Search Result operation responses, a flag that indicates that a Stored Query has prompts.

  • hasTime

    For field schema responses, indicates if a Date/Time field displays times.

  • height

    For Get Gallery Image operation requests, the height of an icon.

  • historyNotes

    For Queue operation requests, notes to be added to the history log for the item.

  • historyRecId

    For Queue operation responses, the record ID of the Business Object with the history.

  • historyText

    For Queue operation responses, the text of the history record for the item.

  • historyTypeId

    For Queue operation responses, the ID of the Business Object type that holds the history.

  • html

    For Business Object operation responses, the placeholder for the HTML field value. It is only populated on getting field values for rich text fields.

  • id

    For Mobile Form operations, the internal ID for actions available for the Form.

  • image

    For Security operation requests, the image assigned to a Team.

  • includeAll

    For Business Object operation requests, a flag to include all Fields with Business Object templates.

  • includeAllFields

    For Search operation requests, a flag to include all Fields in ad-hoc search results.

  • IncludeAvailableInSpecific

    For Quick Search operation responses, flag to indicate whether available Quick Search items are included.

  • includelinks

    A flag to request hyperlinks in results. Default is false.

  • IncludeQuickSearchInSpecific

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to include all items in Quick Search in Specific searches.

  • includerelationships

    For Business Object operation requests, a flag to include schemas for related Business Objects. Default is false.

  • includeRequired

    For Business Object operation requests, a flag to request all required Fields with Business Object templates.

  • includeSchema

    For Search operations, a flag to include the table schema of the saved search. If false, results contain the fieldid and Field value without Field information. Default is false.

  • internalLoginAllowed

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate if internal authentication is configured for a specified client.

  • isBinary

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate that field contains Binary data, such as an image.

  • isBusObTarget

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate that the Quick Search is based on a Business Object (true) or a Document Repository (false).

  • isCurrency

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate that a Number field stores currency values.

  • isDateRange

    For Search Results operation responses, a flag to indicate that a prompt includes a date range.

  • isDateTime

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate a Date/Time field.

  • isFilterAllowed

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate that filtering is allowed.

  • isFullTextSearchable

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate if full-text searching is enabled for a field.

  • isLogical

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate a Logical field.

  • isNumber

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate a Number field.

  • isShortDate

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate that a Date/Time field shows dates only.

  • isYesNoRight

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate that a Security Group right is either allowed or not allowed.

  • isVisible

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate if a field is visible.

  • key

    For Quick Search operation responses, the name of a field used for sorting.

  • label

    For Mobile Form operations, the display name for Fields.

  • lastPasswordResetDate

    For Security operation responses, the date a user's password was last reset.

  • lastPasswordResetTime

    For Security operation responses, the time a user's password was last reset.

  • latitude

    For Mobile Form operation responses, the latitude for a specific Business Object record (if location awareness is enabled).

  • ldapLoginAllowed

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate if LDAP authentication is configured for a specified client.

  • links

    For requests, a flag to request hyperlinks in results. Default is false.

    For responses, a list of links, including name and URL.

  • dlapRequired

    For Security operation requests, a flag to indicate whether Active Directory group membership is required.

  • listDisplayOption
    For Search Results operation responses, the list display option for a Prompt:
    • 0 = Auto
    • 1 = Simple text box
    • 2 = List of values in a combo
    • 3 = List of values in a grid
    • 4 = List of values in a simple list
  • listReturnFieldId

    For Search Results operation responses, the internal ID for the field returned when a Prompt list is a Grid.

  • localizedScopeName

    For Search Item operation responses, a translated scope name based on a user's assigned culture.

  • locationInformation

    For Mobile Form operation responses, a list of location objects for a specific Business Object record.

  • loginId

    A user's login ID.

  • lookup

    For Business Object operations, a flag indicating a Business Object type of Lookup.

  • longitude

    For Mobile Form operation responses, the longitude for a specific Business Object record (if location awareness is enabled).

  • major

    For Business Object operations, a flag indicating a Business Object type of Major.

  • managerOfOwnerEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a manager of an owner can edit Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • managerOfOwnerView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a manager of an owner can view Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • maximumSize

    For field schema responses for text fields, the maximum number of characters allowed.

  • mobileClientCustomViewId

    Not applicable to the REST API.

  • multiline

    For Mobile Forms, a flag to indicate if a field can span multiple lines.

    For Prompts, a flag to indicate if a text prompt can contain multiple lines.

  • name

    The display name for an object.

  • nextPasswordResetDate

    For Security operations, the date on which users are required to change their passwords.

  • nonFinalStateOption

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a flag to indicate if closed records are excluded. True excludes closed records. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • nonScopeOwnerAdd

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate that users are granted the "Add" right for items outside of their ownership scope.

  • nonScopeOwnerDelete

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate that users are granted the "Delete" right for items outside of their ownership scope.

  • nonScopeOwnerEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate that users are granted the "Edit" right for items outside of their ownership scope.

  • nonScopeOwnerView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate that users are granted the "View" right for items outside of their ownership scope.

  • offset

    For Business Object attachment upload operation requests, the starting index of the file part being uploaded. For the first part, the offset should be zero.

  • operator

    A string used to evaluate filters.

  • owner

    The internal ID for the Business Object association.

  • ownerEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if an owner can edit Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • ownerView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if an owner can view Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • pageNumber

    The page number of the result set to return.

  • pageSize

    The number of rows to return per page.

  • parentbusobid

    The internal ID for the parent Business Object type.

  • parentBusObPublicId

    The public ID for the parent Business Object.

  • parentbusobrecid

    The record ID for the parent Business Object.

  • parentFolderId

    For Search Item operation responses, the name or internal ID of a folder that contains Stored Queries.

  • password

    The password assigned to a user account.

  • passwordNeverExpires

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate whether a user's password expires or not.

  • primaryBusObId

    For Security operation responses, the internal ID of the primary Business Object assigned to a Role.

  • promptId

    For Search operations, the internal ID or name for a prompt.

  • promptName

    For Search operations, the display name of a prompt.

  • prompts

    For Search Results operation responses, a list of objects associated with Prompts.

  • promptType
    For Search Results operation responses, the type of Prompt:
    • 1 = Text
    • 2 = Number
    • 3 = Date/Time
    • 4 = Logical
    • 5 = Date
    • 6 = Time
  • promptValue

    For Search operation responses, the default value for a Prompt.

  • promptValues

    For Search operation requests, a Prompt ID and value. This can be a list of multiple Prompts needed for each request.

    For Search operation responses, a list of values to choose from. Values are not processed at runtime, however.

  • publicid/publicId

    For Business Object operations, the public ID used to identify Business Object records.

    For Security operations, the public ID used to identify users.

  • queueStandInKey

    For Queue operations, the internal key for a queue derived from its scope, scope owner, and folder.

  • quickSearchId

    For Quick Search operation responses, the internal ID of a Quick Search configuration.

  • quickSearchItems

    For Quick Search operation responses, a set of object for each Quick Search configuration.

  • quickSearchWatermark

    For Quick Search operation responses, the text provided for the Quick Search control.

  • readOnly

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate if the field is read only (true) or editable (false).

  • readRequests

    A list of readRequest objects used to return a batch of items, such as Business Objects or users.

  • recIdFields

    The record ID Fields specified for a Business Object.

  • refresh_token

    For Token operations, The refresh token used to grant another access token.

  • relatedBusinessObjects

    For Business Object operations, a list of objects for related Business Objects.

  • relationshipid

    The internal Relationship ID for the related Business Object.

  • required

    A flag to indicate an item is required (true) or optional(false).

  • resolvedQuickSearchWatermark

    For Quick Search operation responses, the text provided for the Quick Search control. Custom text is shown if it was provided.

  • rightId

    For Security operation responses, the internal ID for a Security Group right.

  • rightName

    For Security operation responses, the internal name for a right.

  • roleId

    For Security operation responses, the internal ID for a Role.

  • roleName

    For Security operation responses, the display name for a Role.

  • roles

    For Security operation responses, a list of objects related to Roles.

  • rowColor

    For Quick Search operation responses, the row color assigned to a record returned by the search.

  • rows

    For Quick Search operation responses, a list or records returned based on search criteria.

  • samlLoginAllowed

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate if SAML authentication is configured for a specified client.

  • saveRequests

    A list of saveRequest objects that will be processed.

  • scanCode

    The scan code for a specific Business Object record.

  • scope

    The name or internal ID of an item's Scope. For example, Global and Team are Scopes.

  • scopeowner

    The internal ID or name of the Scope Owner. For example, if Team is the Scope, 1st Level Support might be the Scope Owner.

  • searchAnyWordsOption

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a flag to indicate whether any or all words will be used in a query. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • searchAttachmentsOption

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a flag to indicate whether attachments will be queried. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • searchID

    For Search operations, the internal ID of a Stored Query.

  • searchName

    For Search operations, the display name of a Stored Query.

  • searchRelatedOptions

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a flag to indicate whether related Business Objects will be queried. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

  • searchResultsFields

    For Search Result operation responses, a list of field schema objects.

  • searchResultsFieldValues

    For Quick Search operation responses, a list of field value objects returned for a specific search. Objects are fieldId, name, value, and the dirty flag.

  • searchTargetId

    For Quick Search operation responses, the Business Object ID or Document Repository to query.

  • searchTargetType

    For Quick Search operation responses, either Business Object or Document Repository.

  • searchTerm/searchText

    For Search operations, a text string used to filter search results.

  • SecurityGroupId

    For Security operations, the internal ID for a Security Group.

  • securityGroups

    For Security operation responses, a list of objects related to Security Groups.

  • sectionFields

    For Mobile Form operations, a list of Fields and Attributes for each section on a form.

  • sections

    For Mobile Form operations, a list of sections available on a Form.

  • selectedChangeLimit
    For Quick Search operation requests, the change time frame for the query. For example:
              "displayName": "Yesterday",
              "units": "Days",
              "value": -1

    Possible values are based on the unit. In the example above, -1 for the Days unit equals today minus 1 day.

  • selectedSortByFieldId

    For Quick Search operation requests, the fieldID of a field used to sort results.

  • shortDisplayName

    For Security operation responses, the display name for a user.

  • simpleResultsListItems

    For Quick Search operation responses, a list of records returned for a query.

  • smartClientCustomViewId

    For Security operation responses, the internal ID of the Desktop Client View assigned to a Role.

  • sortable

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate that a field is sortable (true) or not sortable (false).

  • sortByFields

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a list of pre-defined options available for the search.

  • sortByOption

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, an option to indicate if sorting is allowed. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change this option.

    Option Key:
    • 0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)
    • 1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)
    • 2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)
    • 3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)
  • sortDirection
    For Search operations, the possible values are:
    • 0 = No sorting
    • 1 = Ascending
    • 2 = Descending
  • sorting

    For Search operations, a set of objects used to sort search results.

  • sortOrder

    For field schema responses, indicates sort order (ascending or descending).

  • specificSearchItems

    For Quick Search operation configuration responses, a list of options and settings for specific Business Object Quick Searches.

  • standardRightName

    For Security operation responses, the internal name for a right, prepended with the right's Category.

  • standInKey

    For Core operations, the internal key for an item derived from its scope, scope owner, and folder.

  • stateFieldId

    For Business Object operation responses, the internal ID for the State field defined for a Business Object life cycle.

  • states

    For Business Object operation responses, the display names for State values defined for a Business Object life cycle.

  • stopOnError

    A flag to stop or continue on error.

  • storageName

    For field schema responses, the database name used for a Field.

  • subtitle

    For Quick Search operation responses, the Last Modified Subtitle for a search result record.

  • supportedAssociations

    For Search Item operation responses, a list of Business Objects associated with the Business Object you are querying.

  • supporting

    For Business Object operations, a flag indicating a Business Object type of Supporting.

  • systemDateTime

    For Service Information responses, the current date and time for the CSM server in UTC format.

  • targetId

    For Quick Search operation responses, the Business Object ID to query.

  • targetBusObId

    For Mobile Form operations, the Business Object ID for the Business Object type.

  • targetBusObRecId

    For Mobile Form operations, the Business Object record ID.

  • teamEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a Team member can edit Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • teamId

    For Security operations, the internal ID for a Team.

  • teamManagerOfOwnerEdit

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a Team manager can edit field in a Business Object record.

  • teamManagerOfOwnerView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a Team manager can view field in a Business Object record.

  • teamName

    For Security operation responses, the display name for a Team.

  • teams

    For Security operation responses, a list of objects related to Teams.

  • teamType
    For Security operations, the type of Team:
    • User = User Teams
    • CustomerWorkgroup = Customer Workgroups
  • teamView

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if a Team member can view Business Object records or fields in those records.

  • text

    For Search Results operation responses, the text shown in the Prompt window.

  • timeZone

    For Service Information responses, the time zone of the CSM Application Server. Data returned is a serialization of the .NET TimeZoneInfo class.

  • title

    For Mobile Form operations, the display name of a Business Object.

    For Quick Search operation responses, the search criteria for a simple text search.

  • token_type

    For Token operations, the type of token. Currently, the type is always "bearer."

  • totalRecords

    For batch delete operations, the total number of records deleted.

  • totalRows

    For Search Results operation responses, the number of records returned by a search.

  • totalsize

    For Business Object attachment operations, the size of a file, in bytes.

  • type (Attachments)
    The type of record attachment:
    • 0 = None: Not applicable to the REST API.
    • 1 = File: Linked files.
    • 2 = FileManagerFile: Imported files.
    • 3 = BusOb: Attached Business Objects.
    • 4 = History: Information about the attachment, if available.
    • 5 = Other: Not applicable to the REST API.
  • type (Business Objects)
    The type of Business Object:
    • All
    • Major
    • Supporting
    • Lookup
    • Groups
  • type (Fields)/fieldType

    The type of field (Text, Date/Time, etc.).

  • uncFilePath

    For Business Object attachment operations, a file path to a Business Object linked attachment.

  • url

    A URL string.

  • usedefaultgrid

    A flag to trigger the use of the related Business Objects default grid for the list of Fields to return.

  • userCannotChangePassword

    For Security operations, a flag to prevent users from changing their passwords.

  • userInfoFields

    For Security operations, a list of objects related to user information Fields.

  • userIsTeamManager

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate that a user is a manager of a Team.

  • userMustChangePasswordAtNextLogin

    For Security operations, a flag to require users to change their password when they log in next.

  • username

    A CSM user's Login ID.

  • userrecordid/userRecID

    The internal ID for a CSM user.

  • useSortBy

    For Quick Search operation responses, a flag to indicate if sorting should be used (true) or not (false).

  • validated

    For field schema responses, a flag to indicate whether validation is defined for the field. See details for validation information.

  • value

    A string used to identify a value or to filter results.

  • view

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if View rights are granted.

  • viewRunOpen

    For Security operation responses, a flag to indicate if "Run," "View," or "Open" are granted to a Security Group for a specific right.

  • watermarkText

    For Quick Search operation responses, the text provided for the Quick Search control for specific searches.

  • wholeDigits

    For field schema responses, indicates the number of whole digits specified for number fields.

  • width

    For Get Gallery Image operation requests, the width of an icon.

  • windowsLoginAllowed

    For Security operations, a flag to indicate if Windows authentication is configured for a specified client.

  • windowsUserId

    For Security operations, the Windows login ID for a CSM user.

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