Dashboard Editor Toolbar

Use the Dashboard Editor toolbar to quickly access common operations for formatting the appearance and behaviors of a Dashboard and its Widgets. The toolbar is made up of three smaller toolbars:

  1. Formatting toolbar: Displays options for formatting Widget text (font, style, size, and alignment), Widget colors/styles (foreground, background, and border), and Widget behaviors (visibility, anchoring, and image). Also displays options for accessing Dashboard properties, selecting a Dashboard background color, accessing Editing buttons (Cut/Copy/Paste, Undo/Redo, Grid/Guide snaps, and Zoom).
  2. Label toolbar: Displays options for defining Widget labels and wrapping.
  3. Layout toolbar: Displays options for aligning and placing Widgets.

Good to know:

  • Move a toolbar by double-clicking the Grab bar Move Toolbar Handle, or by grabbing the Grab bar and then dragging the toolbar to a new location.
  • Re-dock a toolbar to its default location by double-clicking the header banner of an undocked toolbar.
  • Hide a toolbar by right-clicking anywhere in the toolbar area, and then clearing the check box for the toolbar.
  • Many of the toolbar options are also available from the Dashboard Editor context (right-click) menu.
  • See Dashboard Editor Behaviors for tips on working with Widgets on Dashboards.

Formatting Toolbar (Text, Color/Style, and Behaviors)

Button Action Description
Widget Text
Theme Font Control Font

There are two different font modes for Widget text:

  • Theme Font: Uses the default system font.
  • Explicit Font: Allows you to set an explicit font and other font details on a Widget-by-Widget basis.

To switch to Theme mode, select Theme Font from the top of the list.

To switch to Explicit mode, select a font in the drop-down.

Font Size Font Size (Explicit)

Explicitly sets the Widget font size (ex: 10 points).

Note: This option is available only when using Explicit Font mode.
Format Text Buttons Font Style (Bold, Underline, Italic)

Adds style to the Widget font (bold, underlined, or italics).

Note: This option is available only when using Theme Font mode.
Text Size Buttons Font Size (Relative)

Relatively sets the Widget font size to be small, medium, or large.

Note: This option is available only when using Theme Font mode.
Horizontal Text Alignment Horizontally Align Text

Aligns text left, center, or right on a horizontal axis within the Widget bounding box.

Note: Applicable for Link, Button, and Text Widgets.
Vertical Text Alignment Vertically Align Text

Aligns text top, middle, or bottom on a vertical axis within the Widget bounding box.

Note: Applicable for Link, Button, and Text Widgets.
Widget Color/Style
Widget Background Color Background color

Sets the background color of the Widget.

Click the button to use the most recently used color (assuming you have set a color). To explicitly select a color, click the drop-down arrow to select a solid color or a gradient. You can use an Expression to conditionally change the color.

Foreground Color Button Foreground color

Sets the text color for the Widget.

Click the button to use the most recently used color (assuming you have set a color). To explicitly select a color, click the drop-down arrow to select a single color or a gradient. You can use an Expression to conditionally change the color.

Border Color Button Border color

Sets the color of the border around the Widget, if there is a border.

Click the button to use the most recently used color (assuming you have set a color). To explicitly select a color, click the drop-down arrow to select a single color or a gradient. You can use an Expression to conditionally change the color.

Border Style Button Border style

Sets the style of the border around the Widget (No Border, 3D, or Pixel width), if there is a border.

Click the button to use the most recently set style (assuming you have set a style). To explicitly select a style, click the drop-down arrow to select a style.

Note: While you can select 3D borders for any Widget, rounded Shapes do not allow 3D settings.
Available from context menu only. Background style

Changes the background shape of the Widget.

Select options such as square, rounded corner, tab and rounded tab.

Note: Not all styles are compatible with all types of Widgets.
Available from context menu only. Background gloss Makes a Widget glossy (adds a slightly glowing and reflective background).
Widget Behavior
Show or hide tab index

Shows or hides the display of the tab index values for all selected Widgets.

Tab stop on or off

Turns the tab stop on or off for all selected Widgets.

Select the button to enable tab stops and clear it when you want to disable tab stops.

Note: The tab stop property for all selected Widgets will change based on the state of the primary selected Widget. The primary selected Widget is the last one selected when selecting multiple Widgets.
Tab index order

Sets the number for the tab order sequence for all selected Widgets.

Note: The tab index order for all selected Widgets will change based on the order of the primary selected Widget. The primary selected Widget is the last one selected when selecting multiple Widgets.
Control Visibility Button Visibility

Conditionally controls when the Widget appears and disappears. The visibility is based on an Expression.

Click the drop-down button to define a custom Expression. Click the drop-down arrow to access options for creating a custom Expression, selecting a stored Expression, or clearing the Expression.

Anchoring Button Anchoring

Sets the anchoring behavior of the Widget.

Click the button to use the most recently set anchoring options (assuming you have set an option). To explicitly select an anchoring option, click the drop-down arrow next to the button to open the Anchoring window, and then select an anchoring option.

Control Image Button Image

Defines the image to display on the Widget, as well as alignment.

Click the button to open the Image Manager, and then select an image to show on the Form Control. Click the drop-down arrow to access options for creating a custom Expression, selecting a stored Expression, clearing the Expression, or aligning the image.

Dashboard Properties
Dashboard Button Dashboard Properties

Opens the Dashboard Properties window, and then change the name, description, title text, Business Object association, scope, image, Display options, Filter options, and Refresh options.

Form Background Color Button Dashboard Background Color

Sets the Dashboard background color.

Click the button to use the most recently set color (assuming you have set a color). To explicitly select a color, click the drop-down arrow to select a single color or a gradient. Use an Expression to conditionally change the color.

Editing Buttons
Cut Button Cut

Moves the selected item to the clipboard, and then paste the item into a new location.

Note: CTRL+X also works. Multiple Widgets can be cut at one time. Select multiple Widgets by rubber-banding or by holding down the SHIFT key while selecting.
Copy Button Copy

Creates a new item whose properties are the same as the copied item. The new item can then be named and customized.

Note: CTRL+C also works. Multiple Widgets can be copied at one time. Select multiple Widgets by rubber-banding or by holding down the SHIFT key while selecting.
Paste Button Paste

Inserts an item from the clipboard to a new location.

Note: CTRL+V also work. Multiple Widgets can be copied at one time. Select multiple Widgets by rubber-banding or by holding down the SHIFT key while selecting.
Undo Button Undo

Undoes the last operation. Unlimited per session.

Redo Button Redo Repeats the last operation. Unlimited per session.
Snap To Grid Button Snap to Grid Precisely aligns a Widget on a grid. Set the grid snap width (drop-down).
Snap To Guide Button Snap to Guide

Precisely aligns a Widget to other items.

Note: Press SHIFT+DRAG to ignore snapping.
Zoom and Pan Button Zoom

Zooms in/out on the Dashboard.

Note: CTRL+SCROLL also works.

Label Toolbar (Label Text, Wrap, Style, and Gloss)

Button Action Description
Text Control Label Text Box

Defines the text that appears on the currently selected Widget.

Type the text into the Text toolbar.

Note: This value will only affect the primary selected Widget.
Text Expression Button Expression

Conditionally defines the text that appears on the currently selected Widget. You can use either:

  • Expression Manager: Select this option to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.
  • Custom Expression: Select this option to open the Custom Expression Builder, where you can create a custom Expression to use only for the active scenario.
Text Wrap Button Wrap Toggles text wrap On and Off.

Layout Toolbar (Alignment, Size, and Order)

For most of the alignment operations, you must select at least two Widgets. The last selected Widget is the controlling Widget, and the Widget against which all other selected Widgets are sized and aligned. The controlling Widget is identified by black boxes. All other selected Widgets are identified by white boxes.

Button Action Description
Horizontal Alignment Buttons Line up horizontally Lines up all the selected Widgets against the left, center, or right edge of the controlling Widget.
Vertical Alignment Buttons Line up vertically Lines up all the selected Widgets against the top, middle, or bottom edge of the controlling Widget.
Make Same Width ButtonMake Same Height ButtonMake Same Size Button Sizing Sizes all the selected Widgets to be the same width, the same height, or both the same height and same width as the controlling Widget.
Auto-Size Button Auto-size Sizes a text Widget to be exactly the right size to hold all its contained text. Sizes an Image Widget to be its original size.
Bring To Front Button Bring to Front

Moves a Widget in front of other Widgets. You can use this if you are creating various layering effects.

Note: Not all Widgets are allowed to be in front or behind all other Widgets (ex: Most shapes cannot be on top of most graphical Widgets, such as Charts and Gauges).
Send To Back Button Send to Back

Moves a Widget behind other Widgets. Use this if creating various layering effects.

Note: Not all Widgets are allowed to be in front of or behind all other Widgets (ex: Most Shapes cannot be on top of most graphical Widgets, such as Charts and Gauges).
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