Define a User Queue

Use the Queue Clause section of a Query Builder to define a User Queue. A Queue Clause containing a User Queue searches records on one of the specialized Queues that is automatically associated with each User. When you define a User Queue, you define:

  • Condition: Queue behavior (example: Record is not on User Queue).
  • Who: User who checked out the record, if applicable.
  • User Queue: Team (example: 1st Level Support) and User (example: Current User).

To define a User Queue:

  1. Open a Query Builder.
  2. Click the New button on the Query Builder toolbar, and then select Queue Clause.

    The Queue Clause section displays in the Stored Query window.

  3. In the Where drop-down, select a Queue condition:
    • Record is on Specific Queue
    • Record is not on Specific Queue
    • Record is checked out to Specific Queue
    • Record is not checked out from Specific Queue
    • Record is suspended on Specific Queue
      Note: If you select Record is checked out to a Specific Queue, select the specific Team member from Checked out by drop-down.
  4. Select a specific User's Queue:
    1. In the left-most drop-down, select a Team.
    2. In the right-most drop-down, select a User.
  5. Click OK.

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