Define an Ownership Clause

An Ownership Clause is a Query Clause that finds records associated with a particular owner (person or Team).

Use the Query Builder window to create an Ownership Clause. When you define this type of clause, you define:

  • Owner: The type of owner (example: User, Team, Customer) and the specific owner (example: Clair, 1st Level Support, etc.), if applicable.
  • Owner's relationship: How the owner is associated with the record (example: Owner is a member of the Team that owns the record).

Good to know:

  • The Ownership Clause section is dynamic. When you select an owner in the drop-down, additional options (radio buttons or drop-down menus) display in the Ownership Clause section of the window. The options allow you to narrow the scope of your Query.
  • Not all Business Objects support Team ownership. Business Objects can be set up to support Team ownership by using the Field Editor to add two Fields that hold the Team name and Team ID.

To create an Ownership Clause:

  1. Open a Query Builder.
  2. Click the New button, and then select Ownership Clause.
  3. Select an owner from the Owner is drop-down.
    • Current User: The User owns the record or is a member/manager of the Team that owns the record.
    • Specific User: Name of the User who owns the record, or is a member/manager of the Team that owns the record.
    • Specific Team: Name of the Team that owns the record.
    • Current Customer: The Customer requested the record or is a member/manager of the associated Customer Workgroup.
    • Specific Customer: The specified Customer requested the record or is a member/manager of the associated Customer Workgroup.
    • Specific Customer Workgroup: Name of the Customer Workgroup that owns the record.

    The Ownership Clause displays in the Query.

  4. Add additional clauses to refine your search (optional).
    Note: If you are using the Stored Query Builder, there is an Options button that allows you to define additional options, including availability and icon image.
  5. Click OK.

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