Define Display Properties for a Chart Widget

Use the Display page (accessed from within the Chart Widget Properties window) to define how a Chart Widget looks and behaves. Properties include:

  • Items to Display: X-axis labels, Y-axis labels, grid lines, and tooltips.
  • Color Palette: Colors to use for the items in the chart. By default, these colors are defined in the Dashboard Theme; however, you can override the default palette.
  • Allow Animation: Paints the chart items as they display (example: Columns grow to the values). Note that chart widgets might paint differently in the Browser Client.
  • Show Point Labels: Whether to show Y-axis values and/or X-axis labels on each chart point.
  • Advanced options:
    • Override Dashboard Theme colors.
    • Override the Dashboard style.
      Note: The Chart Widget Properties window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit a Chart Widget.

Good to Know:

  • By default, chart colors (banner, labels, and bars/columns/lines/slices) and style (flat, chrome, or none) come from the defined Dashboard Theme; however, you can override some of the properties.
  • Whether to show point labels is defined for the entire chart. However, specific point label formatting options are defined at the series level. Each series can have its own individual set of formatting properties.
  • Typically, the Advanced options are used to maintain "legacy" Dashboard themes and styles (these are themes and styles that were created prior to CSM 5.00 and its Theme Manager). Ideally you want to create and use Dashboard Themes that are created with 5.00+ capabilities. For more information about Dashboard colors and styles, see Dashboard Themes. Overriding the Dashboard Theme colors/styles affects your Chart Color Palette colors (i.e., the colors that appear on your bars, columns, lines, and slices).

To define the Display properties for a Chart Widget:

  1. Create a Widget.
  2. In the Type drop-down, select Chart.
  3. Click the Display page.
  4. Define properties for the chart legend:
    1. Items to display: Select one or more items to display on the chart (not all items apply for all chart types):
      • X-axis labels.
      • Y-axis labels.
      • Grid lines.
      • Tooltips.
    2. Color Palette: Select the color palette to use for the items (example: Bars, columns, and slices) in the chart. By default, these colors are defined in the Dashboard Theme; however, you can override the default palette.
    3. Allow animation: Select this check box to paint the chart items as they display (example: Columns grow to the values).
    4. Show point labels: Select this check box to have labels displayed next to each point on the chart. In the drop-down, select an option:
      1. Show Value: Show Y-values.
      2. Show Label & Value: Show Y-values along with the X-axis labels.
      3. Show Label: Show X-axis labels.
    5. Advanced Options:
      1. Override Dashboard Theme Colors: Select this check box to override the colors from the defined Dashboard Theme with the colors from another Theme, and then select the Theme that will override the default Theme, either:
        • From Legacy Theme: Select a legacy Theme from previous versions of CSM.
        • From Specific Theme: Select another defined Dashboard Theme.
      2. Override Dashboard Styles: Select this check box to override the defined Dashboard Theme's style (Chrome, Flat, or Legacy) with another Theme style, and then select the Theme style that will override the default Theme:
        • Legacy
        • Flat
        • Chrome
  5. Click OK.

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