Define Drill-Down for a Doughnut/Pie Chart Widget

Use the Drill-Down Properties page (accessed from within the Chart Series window) to define drill-down behaviors for a series in a Chart Widget. Drill-down options include:

  • Go to a Record List: Drill-down displays a Grid list of pertinent records. Use the CSM Grid capabilities (print, export, sort, filter, group, size, move, and add/remove columns) to display only the data you want and in a way that is meaningful to you. Click a record to view it in detail.
  • Execute a command: Drill-down executes a command/Action (example: Display an Action Catalog, Calendar, Dashboard, Document Repository, HTML Page or Visualization, or run a command, One-Step Action, search, or report).
  • Go to a Dashboard: Drill-down displays another Dashboard (example: A Dashboard dedicated to the Widget data). Filtering can be honored so that the filtering criteria on the source Dashboard is extended to the drill-down Dashboard (example: If Widget is being filtered by month, the drill-down Dashboard will initially be filtered by month, as well).
  • None: Drill-down is not allowed.
    Note: The Chart Series window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit a Chart Widget, and then add a Series.

Good to know:

  • Dashboard drill-down is configurable, so behaviors can vary. For more information, see Dashboard Drill-Down.
  • Dashboard drill-down can be defined to honor filtering. For example, if the drill-down honors filtering (Filter Dashboard is selected on the Dashboard's Drill-Down page), when you filter a Dashboard to show only Today's data and then drill down into another Dashboard, then the drill-down Dashboard will also be filtered to show only Today's data. A Filter bar at the top of a drill-down Dashboard displays any filtering criteria. Users can remove the filter by clearing the filters.
    Drill-Down Honors Filter

To define drill-down properties for a Chart series:

  1. Create a Chart Widget and define a Series.
  2. In the Chart Series window, click the Drill-Down page.
  3. Define a drill-down option for the chart:
    • Go to a Record List: Select this radio button to drill-down into a list of pertinent records.
    • Execute a command: Select this radio button to execute a command/Action upon drill-down. Then, click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Action Manager, where you can select the command to execute or create a new command/Action.
    • Go to a Dashboard: Select this radio button to drill-down into another Dashboard. Then, click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Dashboard Manager, where you can select an existing Dashboard or create a new Dashboard.
  4. Click OK.

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