Define General Knowledge Search Options

Use Knowledge Mapping to determine what Knowledge Sources can be searched during a General Knowledge Search. Use this for ad-hoc searches or research when you are not working with a particular Business Object.

Good to know:

  • Knowledge Sources must be defined using the Knowledge Source Manager before adding them to the General Search list.
  • Select a Knowledge Source and click Remove to remove it from the list. Select a Knowledge Source and click the Up/Down buttons Arrow Up Black Arrow Down Black to organize the items in the list.

To add General Search Knowledge Sources:

  1. Open the Knowledge Mapping window.
  2. From the Search From drop-down, select General Search.

    OOTB Knowledge Sources open in the window.

    Knowledge Mapping Knowledge Sources

  3. Add Knowledge Sources that you want available to Users for general Searches:
    1. Click the Add button.

      The Knowledge Source Manager opens.

    2. Click a Knowledge Source.
    3. Click OK.

      The new Knowledge Source displays in the Knowledge Sources list.

  4. Click OK.

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