Define General Visualization Properties

To define general properties for a Visualization:

  1. Open the Visualization Manager.
  2. Select a scope and subfolder (if needed).
  3. Click the Create New button Create New Button.

    The Visualization properties window opens.

  4. Click the General page.
  5. Define general properties:
    1. Name:

      Provide a display name to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

    2. Description:

      Provide a description to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

    3. Object Type:

      Select the Business Object to display in the Visualization (ex: Task, Incident, Vendor, etc). After you select and save a Business Object, you cannot change this value.

      Note: The list is normally limited to major and supporting objects, but if you want to see all objects in the system, click Show all to include lookup tables.

    4. Layout:

      Select the default layout (way to arrange nodes on a Visualization).

    5. Allow other layouts:

      Select this box to allow Users to select different layouts when they view the Visualization.

    6. Tie to specific record:

      Select this box to tie the Visualization to a specific Business Object rather than record currently being edited. Then, search for an appropriate record to be the primary object of your Visualizations.

      Note: Normally, when you run a Visualization, it determines the primary object for the display based on the record currently being edited by the user. However, there are times when you always want a particular object to be the primary object for a Visualization. For example, to see the status of a server farm, you might choose a controlling server that is related to all of the server farm machines.
  6. Click OK.

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