Drill Down - Hide/Show Detail Report Script

The Drill Down - Hide/Show Detail Report script can be used to show or hide the Detail Report when clicking a particular Field on the Master Report, giving the appearance of drilling down into the Detail Report from that Field. Users can click Fields with hyperlinks to open the Detail Report related to that Field.

Drill Down - Hide/Show Detail Report Script Example

Good to know:

  • This script is only available for Reports that have a Detail Report (a Report featuring linked Major or Supporting Business Objects) (example: An Incident with Journals Report, Journals being the Supporting Object).
  • Added scripts can be viewed in the Scripts tab.

To add a script to a Report using the Script Wizard:

  1. Open a Report in the Report Designer.
  2. In the Action toolbar, click the Scripts button.

    The Script Wizard opens.

  3. Select the script, and then click Next.

    The Drill Down - Hide/Show Detail Report properties window opens.

  4. Select the Master band (the band that the Field resides in, example: Detail_Band).
  5. Select the Hyperlink Field from the drop-down (example: Incident ID).
  6. Select the Detail Report to expand when the hyperlinked Field is clicked (if you have more than one Detail Report).
  7. Click Finish.

    A notification window opens informing the User that the script has been added.

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