Prevent Browsing HTTP from HTTPS

Browse HTTP from HTTPS is a vulnerability allowing HTTPS pages to be accessed via HTTP, thus disclosing potentially sensitive information. We strongly suggest editing web.config files to enforce redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS.

  1. Edit the web.config file for the Portal and/or the WebClient.
    • For the Portal, edit the WebConfig file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cherwell Browser Applications\Portal
    • For the Web Client, edit the WebConfig file inC:\Program Files (x86)\Cherwell Browser Applications\BrowserClient
  2. Under the AppSetting section, uncomment the following Key:
    ·add key="RedirectHttpToHttps" value="True" />
  3. Reset IIS.
  4. Review the configuration of any applications you have installed to ensure proper permissions are in place to prohibit forceful browsing of HTTPS resources.
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