Knowledge Pane Results

Knowledge Pane Results are based on selected Knowledge Sources. After you run a Knowledge Search, the results appear in the bottom pane.

The following example shows results for the term "print":

Knowledge Pane Search Results

To view result details, click the link associated with the result:

Knowledge Pane Knowledge Article Results

Tip: Right-click the result to view the record (opens in a new window with limited functionality), go to the record (opens the record in the CSM Desktop Client main window), or go to record in a new window (opens in a new window with full functionality).
Note: Knowledge Pane Result Options
Note: You must click the Browse link Browse Knowledge Pane Results under online resource results to view the content.

Depending on the type of Knowledge Source you select, the information will open in different ways, including:

  • Attachment links open the attachment file.
  • Business Object links open the associated Business Object in a new window.
  • Web links open a browser in a new window.
  • Knowledge Articles open in a new window.
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