Print a Grid

Print a Grid to produce a hard-copy version of data.

To print a Grid in the Desktop Client:

  1. In a Grid, click File>Print Grid or Right-click>Print Grid.

    The Print Grid window opens.

  2. Select the columns to print by moving them to the Selected Fields box.
    Note: By default, all rows are selected.
  3. Use the arrows to move and order fields.
  4. Define the printer options:
    1. Printer: Select the printer from which to print.
    2. Page Setup: Click this button to define basic paper setup options (ex: Paper, orientation, and margins).
    3. Font: Click this button to define the font, font style, and font size for the text on the printed Grid.

      Note: Page Setup and Font options vary according to the driver of the selected printer.

  5. Define the print layout options:
    1. Force width to single page: Select this box to resize the printed Grid so that it fits on a single page (does not off trail off the edge).
    2. Shade alternate rows: Select this box to add a gray shade to every other row of the Grid.
    3. Number pages: Select this box to add a page numbers to the footers of the printed pages.
    4. Preview: Click to this button show a preview of the Grid before printing it.
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