Record Ownership Holds Property

Record ownership is identified by the Holds property on a Field. The Hold property identifies that a person listed in a Field is the record owner. The property value tells CSM the type of owner (User, Customer, Team, Workgroup, Department, or Manager). For example, in the Starter database, the Owner ID Holds value is set on the Owner ID Field and tells CSM that the person listed in that Field is the official User record owner.

Because many ID Fields (example: Owner ID) work in tandem with and are populated by more user friendly Fields (example: Owner ID works with Owner Name), a second Holds property should be set on the exposed Field. In the example above, Owner Name is also set on the Owned By Field to tell CSM that April Hawkins is the display name of the official User record owner.

Set an ownership value in the Holds drop-down on the Field's General tab.

Holds Drop-Down

Record Ownership Value Considerations

  • Most record ownership values are tied to a record type and are set on the Fields in a Business Object (example: They are set in the Incident Business Object).
  • Department and Manager are tied to a person and are set on the Fields in the User Info and Customer Business Objects.
  • To simplify your setup, CSM provides the record ownership property on some standard Fields in the Starter database. It is assumed that certain Relationships are based on CSM's OOTB User Profile and Customer Record. For example, we assumed that the record owner manager is the manager listed on the User Profile (CSM Administrator>Security>edit users). Because CSM is highly configurable, your system might vary.
  • CSM does not set any Workgroup ownership attributes. They must be configured Workgroup attributes.

Record Ownership Values

CSM uses the following values to identify record owners and extended owners. If the value typically works in tandem with another value, it is listed as well.

Record Owner Values

Holds Value Description

Owner ID

Owner name

Identifies User record owner.

Note: Typically, the Owned By ID and Owned By Fields hold the ownership values.

Requester ID

Requester name

Identifies Customer record owner.

Note: Typically, the Requested By ID and Requested By Fields hold the ownership values.

Team ID

Team name

Identifies Team record owner.

Note: Typically, the Owned By Team ID and Owned By Team Fields hold the ownership values.

Customer Workgroup ID

Customer Workgroup name

Identifies Workgroup record owner.

Note: Typically, the Owned By Workgroup ID and Owned By Workgroup Fields hold the ownership values. Currently, these Fields are not part of our OOTB Starter database but you can manually add them.

Extended Record Owner

Holds Value Description

Identifies any person assigned to the same department as the record owner.

Note: Typically, the Department Field holds the ownership value (example: in User Info and Customer-Internal). Unlike the other specialized Fields, the Department Field holds the name of the department, not an ID identifying the department.

Manager ID

Manager name

Identifies the person designated as the manager of the record owner. Remember, a record owner can be a User and/or Customer, and a Team and/or Workgroup.

Note: Typically, the Manager ID and Manager Fields hold the ownership value (example: in User Info and Customer-Internal).

Record Ownership Values Matrices

The following tables list the record ownership values by owner type.

User Record Owner

Record Owner Description Holds Value Example Business Obect.Fields

Record owner (User)

Identifies the User who owns the record.

Owner name

Owner ID

Incident.Owned By

Incident.Owner ID


Identifies the manager of the User who owns the record.

Manager name

Manager ID

User Info.Manager

User Info.Manager ID


Identifies the User owner's department.


User Info.Department


Team Owner Record

Record Owner Description Holds Value Example Business Object.Fields

Team owner

Identifies the Team who owns the record.

Team name

Team ID

Incident.Owned By Team

Incident.Owner Team ID

Team owner manager

Identifies the manager (or managers) of the Team who owns the record.

Not applicable. Team owner manager is assumed to be the manager (or managers) selected on the Team Profile. Not applicable.

Custom Record Owner

Record Owner Description Holds Value Example Business Object.Fields

Record owner (Customer/requester)

Identifies the Customer who owns the record.

Requester name

Requester ID

Change Request.Requested By

Change Request.Requested By ID


Identifies the manager of the Customer who owns the record.

Manager name

Manager ID


Customer-Internal.Manager ID


Identifies the Customer owner's department.


Customer-Internal.Department Field

Workgroup Record Owner

Record Owner Description Holds Value Example Business Object.Fields

Workgroup owner

Identifies the Customer Workgroup who owns the record.

Customer Workgroup name

Customer Workgroup ID

Change Request.Owned By Workgroup

Change Request.Owner Workgroup ID

Workgroup owner manager

Identifies the manager (or managers) of the Customer Workgroup who owns the record.

Not applicable. Workgroup owner manager is assumed to be the manager (or managers) selected on the Workgroup Profile.

Not applicable.

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