Scan a Blueprint

Use a Blueprint Scan to periodically check your working Blueprint for potential errors. The scan will look for missing items and alert you to any changes you need to make.

Examples of when you will receive warnings:
  • You create a Business Object without also creating a Form and/or Grid to display it.
  • You delete items that are referenced by other items in CSM (example: An Expression used on a Form).
  • A table needs to be rebuilt in the database due to changes in the Business Object.

To scan a Blueprint:

  1. Open the Blueprint Editor.
  2. From the Blueprint Editor menu bar, click File>Scan.

    You can also scan a Blueprint by clicking Scan Blueprint in the Blueprints section of the Blueprint Editor Task Pane.

    If the scan is successful, a success window opens.

    If the Blueprint contains changes that require reloading definitions or restarting applications after the Blueprint is published, an alert appears along with the scan results. The alert is triggered if the Blueprint contains changes to significant system definitions, such as Business Objects, Forms, Grids, Form Arrangements, Relationships, Custom Views, One-Step Actions, automated behaviors, Dashboards, and/or Widgets.

    If the scan detects errors, the Scan Results window opens and lists errors and warnings.

    You can:

    • Choose to limit the Display list to warnings or errors.
    • Click Show Usage to open a window that shows how the definition causing an error is used is CSM.
    • Click Go to Error to navigate to the error and resolve it (if the error cannot be automatically resolved).
    • Click Resolve to automatically resolve each error or warning separately.
    • Click Rescan to rescan the Blueprint.
    • Click Ignore warnings and continue to enable the OK button. In this case, when you click OK, the warnings are ignored but the publish continues.
      Note: The Ignore warnings and continue check box is only available when the display list contains only warnings.
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