User/Customer Worksheet

Use the following worksheet to determine to which Security Group and Teams/Workgroups each User/Customer is assigned.

Good to know:

  • A User often functions as both a User and a Customer in CSM. For example, a service desk technician performs User functions but is a Customer of the HR Department. If the User is also a Customer, he must have a User Profile AND a Customer record.
  • If configured, record ownership rights (View, Add, Edit, Delete rights) can be extended to managers, departments, and Teams/Workgroups, so carefully consider the implications of these relationships.
    Important: Our OOTB system is configured so that Users can share records with managers, departments, and Team members. However, Customers are configured to share only with managers and departments.To extend rights to Workgroup members, you must configure extended ownership rights on the records you want to share.
User/Customer Worksheet: Make applicable role selections for each person.



Role: User Role: Customer
Security Group Teams Security Group Workgroups

(Select One per User)

  • Admin
  • Service Desk Manager
  • Service Desk Level 1
  • Service Desk Security Group Level 2&3

(Select All That Apply)

  • 1st Level Support
  • 2nd Level Support
  • 3rd Level Support
  • IT Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Reporting

(Select One per Customer)

  • Portal Customer
  • Portal Workgroup Manager

(Select All That Apply)

  • Accounting
  • Business Development
  • Customer Service
  • Design
  • Executive
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing
  • Office
  • Operations
  • Sales
  • Shipping
Example: Name: Andrew Simms      
User Customer
Security Group Teams Security Group Workgroups
  • Admin
  • 2nd Level Support
  • Knowledge Management
  • Portal Customer
  • Information Technology
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