Configure the Database Connection on Your Android Device

The first time you run Cherwell Mobile on your Android device, you must configure your connection and login information.

To configure the database connection on your Android device:

  1. Open Cherwell Mobile by tapping the icon on your device.

    The login screen opens, with no connection information.

  2. Tap Edit Android Edit Connection Button next to the Connection field.

    The Edit Connections page opens.

  3. Tap Add Android Add Connection Button on the action bar.

    The Add Connections screen opens.

  4. Provide a Name for the connection (ex: CSM).
  5. Provide the URL to the Cherwell Web Service (ex: This is the server that interacts with CSM data in a manner that is streamlined for mobile access. Obtain the URL from your system administrator.
    Note: This is probably the same server that CSM is installed on, but could differ depending on configuration. See below for examples of possible server URLs.
  6. Press the back button on your device's navigation, or tap the back arrow in the application to return to the login page.

    The configured connection appears in the Connection field. If it does not, or if you have more than one configured connection, tap the down arrow next to Connection to select a database connection.

  7. Provide your CSM login credentials (same as Desktop Client):
    1. Username: Provide your CSM username.
    2. Password: Provide your CSM password.
    3. Connect Automatically: Select this check box to have the application automatically connect to the selected server when you open the application.
  8. Tap Login.

    Your default screen opens.

    Note: The first time you log in to and open the Android application (or a new version of the application) the first thing you will see is the license agreement. Tap Continue to open your default screen (defined in Cherwell Mobile for Android Settings).

Examples of possible server URLS:

  • MyCherwellServer (Server name)
  • (IP address of server)
  • http://MyCherwellServer (Server name, explicitly specifying the use of http)
  • (IP address, explicitly specifying the use of http)
  • (Specifying a differently named Cherwell web service)
  • https://MyCherwellServer (Specifies the use of https for certificate-based security)
  • http://MyCherwellServer:8080 (Specifies a different port for the Cherwell web service)
    Note: Other formats and details might be required. Check with your administrator.
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