Configure User Cherwell Mobile Settings

Use the Default Mobile Access window (accessed from the Dashboards & Calendars page in the CSM Desktop Client Options window) to configure how Cherwell Mobile looks and behaves on your personal mobile device. You can configure which:

  • Mobile Home Dashboard to display by default.
  • Mobile Alert Dashboard to display by default.
  • Business Objects to make available. Associated Search Groups will also be available.
  • Actions/One-Step Actions to make available for each Business Object.

Good to know:

To configure User Cherwell Mobile settings:

  1. From the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, click Tools>Options.
  2. Click the Dashboards and Calendars page.

    Dashboard Oprions Window

  3. Select the Customize Mobile Settings check box.
    Note: If you do not have rights, this check box does not show up in the window. If you clear this check box, the Cherwell Mobile settings revert to the Global or Role default.

    Default Mobile Access Setup for User

  4. Select default Mobile Dashboards (Home and Alert)

    Tip: If you do not want to display any Dashboards, remove the Dashboard item from the List of Objects to Display on Mobile Device list.

    1. Home Page: Select a default Mobile Home Dashboard.
      • Click the drop-down to select from a list of recently used Mobile Dashboards.
      • Click the Mobile Dashboard button Mobile Dashboard Button to open the Mobile Dashboard Manager, and then select an existing Mobile Dashboard or create a new Mobile Dashboard.
    2. Alerts Page: Select a default Mobile Alert Dashboard.
      • Click the drop-down to select from a list of recently used Mobile Dashboards
      • Click the Mobile Dashboard button Mobile Dashboard Button to open the Mobile Dashboard Manager,and then select an existing Mobile Alert Dashboard or create a new Mobile Alert Dashboard..
  5. Select the Business Objects to make available in Cherwell Mobile:
    Note: In order for a Business Object to be available, it must have the Show in Search Manager property set (in the Business Object properties within a Blueprint).
    1. Override List of Objects to Display on Mobile Device: Select this check box to override the current default list of available Business Objects (Global or Role, set in CSM Administrator).
    2. Click Add, and then select the Business Object to make available on mobile devices.

      Tip: Click Edit to edit a selected item. Click Remove to remove the selected item from the list.

      Objects to Display On Mobile Device

    3. Define how to display the Business Object in Cherwell Mobile:
      • Custom Name: Provide a display name to use in Cherwell Mobile. If this is left blank, the Business Object name will be displayed.
      • Custom Image:

        Click the Image button to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

        If you do not select an image (None), the default image for the Business Object is displayed.

        Android: Android devices use standard color images. For the best results, use the images in the BusObs>32x32 folder in the Image Manager. If you are setting up a mobile configuration for use on both Android™ and iOS® devices, use the iOS-specific images. They are automatically mapped to equivalent standard images for non-iOS® devices.

    4. Select the Actions/One-Step Actions to make available in Cherwell Mobile:
      1. Click Add to add a new Action/One-Step Action to the list.

        Tip: Click Edit to edit a selected item. Click Remove to remove the selected item from the list. Use the Up/Down arrows Arrow Down Black Arrow Up Black to change the order of the Actions/One-Step Actions when displayed in Cherwell Mobile (ex: In the Actions list).

      2. Define additional options for the list of Actions.
        • Also Show Default Business Object Actions: Select this check box to make available any default Actions for the Business Object. This option is only available if the Business Object has default Actions available (ex: Approvals have built-in functionality to approve, deny, and abstain).
        • Also Show Role Actions: Select this check box to make available any Actions that were configured for the Business Object as part of the User’s default Role settings. If no defaults were configured for the Role, then Global defaults are used.
  6. Configure the order of the Actions when displayed in Cherwell Mobile (ex: On the Actions popup list):
    1. Use the Up/Down arrows Arrow Down Black Arrow Up Black to order the Actions.
      Note: You can change the order for all custom Actions/One-Step Actions, but you cannot change the order of the Barcode scan, camera, and Location Awareness Actions/One-Step Actions.
  7. Click OK.

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