Define a Show a Pop-Up Action

Use the Show a Pop-Up Action to provide information or to prompt Users to do something. Pop-ups can be used to ask Users if they want to continue, to request additional information, or to select from a list of options. For example:

  • Use a pop-up with a Prompt to have Users select an Incident owner from a list of names.
  • Show a pop-up window with a confirmation message after a Customer adds a comment to the Portal.
  • Show a pop-up window with a list of buttons from which Users can select to return different values or end One-Step™ Action execution.

You can define the appearance of a pop-up window. Pop-up windows can be shown as simple message boxes and text boxes, as message boxes with selectable radio buttons or commands, etc.

To define a Pop-Up Action for a One-Step Action:

  1. Open the One-Step Editor.
  2. Add a Show a Pop-Up Action to the Designer Board.
  3. Define General options for the Pop-Up Action.
  4. Define Button options for the Pop-Up Action.
  5. Define Annotation properties.
  6. Click Save.

Define General Pop-Up Actions

To define general properties for the Show a Pop-Up Action:

  1. Provide descriptive information for the Pop-Up Action.
    Option Description
    Name Provide a display name for the Action (this is how the Action is identified within the One-Step Action).
    Caption Provide a title for the pop-up window that is shown to the User (using text and/or Tokens).
  2. Provide text in the Contents box to show as a message in the pop-up window. Click the Selector button to insert Tokens (example: Fields, System Functions, Prompts, Expressions, Stored Values, Metrics, and Counters) directly into the text.
  3. From the Format drop-down, define the appearance of the pop-up window:
    Option Description
    Message Box Select this option to show the pop-up window as a message box with a Close button.
    Text Box Select this option to show the pop-up window as a text box with an OK button.
    Command Button Message Box Select this option to show the pop-up window with custom command buttons that represent different options for the User to select.
    Radio Button Message Box Select this option to show the pop-up window with custom radio buttons that represent different options for the User to select.
    Note: In the Browser Client, the Command Button and Radio Button Message boxes both appear as text boxes with a list of options from which the User can select. The functionality is the same as in the Desktop Client; only the appearance is different.
  4. In the Buttons drop-down, select which buttons to show in the pop-up window:
    Option Description
    OK (Message Box and Text Box only) Select this option to show only an OK button in the pop-up window.
    OK and Cancel (Message Box and Text Box only) Select this option to show both an OK button and a Cancel button in the pop-up window. If a User clicks the Cancel button, the Action is canceled and the One-Step Action stops executing.
    Note: If you select the Message Box option and select to show a Cancel button, the pop-up window shows an OK button instead of a Close button.
    Custom (Command/Radio Button Message Boxes only) Select this option to define custom buttons to show in the pop-up window.
  5. For message boxes, select an icon from Message Box Icon drop-down to show along with the message in the pop-up window (asterisk, warning, or stop).

Define Button Options for the Pop-Up Action

You can add custom buttons to a Command Button Message Box or a Radio Button Message Box. For example, create a workflow for an Incident with buttons to create child records, link records, or transfer Attachments.

To Define custom buttons for a Command Button Message Box or Radio Button Message box:

  1. Click the Buttons page.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Define properties for the button:
    Option Description
    Display Text Provide the value to show on or next to the button (using text, or clicking the Selector button to insert a Token).
    Result Value Provide the value that the Pop-Up Action returns when a User clicks the button.
    Only show button if condition is true Select this check box to define an Expression that determines when the button should be visible. Then define an Expression.
  4. Select the Button Cancels One-Step check box to have the button cancel One-Step execution if a User clicks it.
  5. Click OK.

  6. Define additional buttons as necessary.
  7. Select the Store User's Selection in Variable check box to store the button's result value as a variable that can be used in other Actions within the One-Step Action. Then select an existing variable (if one was defined in a previous Action within the One-Step Action) or provide a name for a new variable.

Define Annotation Properties

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