Create an Expression

Use the Expression window (accessed from within the Expression Manager) to create a Stored Expression, which is accessible wherever an Expression is used in CSM.

Note: Unlike Stored Expressions, Custom Expressions are created on the fly, only used where they are created, and not saved in the Expressions Manager.

When you create an Expression, you define:

  • General properties: Name and description.
  • Editor (Type): Aggregate, Case, Counter, Date/Time, Duration, Logical, Number, Text, or User/Customer Data.
  • The Expression: Varies by type.

To create an Expression:

  1. Open the Expression Manager.
  2. Select a scope and subfolder (if needed).
  3. Click the Create New button Create New Button.
  4. Define the general Expression properties:
    1. Name:

      Provide a display name to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

    2. Description:

      Provide a description to use within CSM (this property can be searched in CSM Item Managers).

  5. Select an Expression type from the Editor drop-down, and then define its properties:
  6. Click OK.

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