Define an Aggregate Expression

An Aggregate Expression is an Expression that calculates an Expression against child data in a Relationship (example: Counting the number of Incidents linked to a Problem).

To define an Aggregate Expression:

  1. Create an Expression.
  2. In the Editor drop-down, select Aggregate.

    The Aggregate Expression section opens.

  3. Define the Expression:
    1. In the Relationship drop-down, select a Relationship (example: Problem Has Linked Incidents).
      Note: Available Relationships are based on the associated Business Object (example: Problem).
    2. In the Function drop-down, select the type of data you want to retrieve:
      • Count: Number of Relationship occurrences (example: Number of linked Incidents).
      • Total: Sum of a specified Numerical Expression.
      • Average: Average of a specified Numerical Expression.
      • Maximum: Highest returned value of a specified Numerical Expression.
      • Minimum: Lowest returned value of a specified Numerical Expression.
    3. In the Apply Against drop-down Token Selector, select the Field or Numerical Expression for which you want to apply the Expression. This option is available for Total, Average, Maximum, Minimum functions.
      Tip: Create a Custom Expression on-the-fly by clicking New Custom Expression in the Token Selector.
    4. (Optional) Limit the returned data using an additional Expression:
      1. Select the Limit check box.

        The Limit fields become active.

      2. Select an Expression:
        • Stored Expression: Click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.
        • Custom Expression: Click the Custom Expression button Expression Button to open the Custom Expression Builder, and then create a custom Expression specifically for this scenario.
          Note: Unlike Stored Expressions, Custom Expressions are created on-the-fly, only used where they are created, and not saved in the Expressions Manager.
  4. Click OK.

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