Define a Date/Time Expression

A Date/Time Expression is an Expression that performs date/time calculations (example: Calculate a fifteen minute warning for an SLA).

All Date/Time Expressions are applied against a 24/7 time period by default. Certain Date/Time Expressions (Date/Time Math, Is Valid Date, Is Valid Date/Time) can also be applied against existing Business Hours or new Business Hours (created on-the-fly using the Business Hours Manager).

To define a Date/Time Expression:

  1. Create an Expression.
  2. In the Editor drop-down, select Date/Time.
  3. Define the Expression:
    1. Select a Date/Time Expression type from the Expression Type drop-down, and define its properties:
      • Date/Time Math: Displays calculated value based on a specified Date/Time Field or Calendar date (example: A 15-minute warning for an SLA).
      • Is Valid Date: Evaluates as true if the Date parameter falls within the Business Hours for the selected Calendar.
      • Is Valid Date/Time: Evaluates as true if the Date/Time parameter falls within the Business Hours for the selected Calendar. You can also choose a time zone against which the parameter is evaluated:
        • None

          No time zone is associated with the Date/Time parameter and it is assumed to be the same time zone specified for the Business Hours calendar specified in the Working Hours drop-down.

        • Client time zone:

          Associates the time zone of each User's client machine with the Date/Time parameter.

        • Server time zone:

          Associates the time zone of the Application Server machine with the Date/Time parameter.

        • Specific time zone:

          Uses a specific time zone.

      • To Minutes: Displays a Numerical Expression that is applied against a specified time or Field and converted into minutes.
      • To Hours: Displays a Numerical Expression that is applied against a specified time or Field and converted into hours.
    2. Enter positive or negative numbers in the Amount field (found in the Date/Time Math, To Minutes, and To Hours expression types).

      For example, selecting CurrentDateTime() in the Value field, typing 5 in the Amount field, and selecting Days in the Units field will return a value of 5 days from now.

      Date/Time Expression Example

      Typing -7 in the Amount field will return a value of 7 days ago.

      Date/Time Expression Example

    3. From the Calendar Type drop-town, select a Calendar type:
      • 24/7:

        Expression is applied 24/7.

      • Working Hours:

        Expression is only applied during the selected Business Hours (example: Maintenance Window) or value (example: SLA.Work Hours).

  4. Click OK.

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