Define a Visualization Alert

Use the Alerts page (accessed within the Visualization Properties window) to define:

  • Alert color.
  • Alert condition: To make particular nodes stand out on the Visualization.

As well as being a different color, alert text shows up in the title and on the tooltip for the node.

To define a Visualization alert:

  1. Open the Visualization Manager.
  2. Select a scope and subfolder (if needed).
  3. Click Create NewCreate New Button.

    The Visualization Properties window opens.

  4. Click the Alerts page.
  5. Select the color to indicate that a Business Object is in an alert state. The same alert color will be used for all alert conditions.
  6. Define the alert conditions for different types of Business Object. You can only define one alert condition for each type of Business Object.
    1. Click the Add button to add a new alert condition.

      The Edit Alert window opens.

    2. Alert on Object: Select the Business Object on which to set an alert. Note that the list lets you select Business Objects that might not necessarily show up on the Visualization.
    3. Alert Condition: Define the alert condition, using either:
      • Custom Expression:

        Click the Custom Expression button to open the Custom Expression Builder, and then create a custom Expression specifically for this scenario.

      • Stored Expression:

        Click the Ellipses button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.

    4. (Optional) Alert Text:

      Provide the text to appear in the title and tooltip for nodes in the alert status.

      Tip: As well as static text, you can also insert Field values, etc., into the Alert Text by right-clicking in the Alert Text control, or by clicking the arrow button to the right of the control. For example, you might insert the Date/Time when the system went down.

    5. Click OK.

  7. Click OK.

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