Define Grouping Properties for an Action Catalog Widget

Use the Groups page (accessed from within the Action Catalog Widget Properties window) to define how Actions will be grouped in an Action Catalog Widget. Grouping properties include:

  • How Actions are hierarchically grouped into levels in an Action Catalog.
  • How the groups look and behave.
    Note: The Action Catalog Properties window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit an Action Catalog Widget.

Good to know:

  • Actions can be hierarchically grouped by another Field in the Business Object (example: In a Service Catalog, group Actions under Category [Equipment Request and Video/Audio Conferencing], and Categories under Service [Conferencing/Presentation]).
  • Action Catalogs are built in levels from the bottom up, starting with Actions. If the Action is grouped by a validated Field (identified by a white check mark in a green circle Validate Field Icon), you can add another level above the Action group.

To define grouping properties for an Action Catalog Widget:

  1. Create a Widget.
  2. In the Type drop-down, select Action Catalog.
  3. Click the Groups page.
  4. Group your Actions:
    1. Groups box: Click the Actions to group (example: Incident Subcategory actions).
    2. Group by: Select this check box to dynamically add the name of your Actions group.
    3. Group by Field drop-down: Select the Field to use to group the Actions (example: Group Actions by Category):
      Note: If you select a validated Field (identified by a white check mark in a green circle Validate Field Icon), you can add another group above the Action group.

      A Grouped by line is added to the Groups box showing which Field is used to group the Actions. The Actions group shifts down. The Display Options button is disabled because you already defined display options for your Actions.

  5. (Optional) Add another group above the Action group:
    1. Groups box: Select the group you just added.

      The Group by check box dynamically adds the name of the group.

    2. Group by: Select this check box to group by the above group (example: Group Name).
    3. Group by Field: Select the Field to use to group the newest group (example: Group Category by Service):

    Another Grouped by line is added to the Groups box showing which Field is used to group the newest group. The Display Options button is now enabled so that you can define display options for the group.

  6. (Optional) Continue to add groups.
  7. Click OK.

    Note: The Metro style supports only three levels (groups).
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