Define Lifecycle Properties for a Business Object

Use the Lifecycle page in the Business Object Properties window to define the following:

  • State field: Which Field in the Business Object holds the lifecycle state value.
  • States: List of lifecycle states (ex: New, In Progress, Closed etc.) and which ones are designated as final and recall.
  • Queue options: Whether Business Object records are automatically added to or removed from Queues based on lifecycle states.

The lifecycle states defined on this page can be used throughout the system to determine behaviors. For example, you can define automatic Actions that are executed when a record changes states, require a Field to contain a value before a record can change states, or order the lifecycle states in a Lookup Object and then use it to validate Status fields.

Note: The Business Object Properties window is available in the Business Object Editor (accessed from within the Object Manager in a Blueprint).

To define lifecycle properties for a Business Object:

  1. Open the Business Object Properties window:
    1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Blueprints category, and then click the Create a New Blueprint task.

      Note: If working on a saved Blueprint, open the existing Blueprint.

      The Blueprint Editor opens, showing the Object Manager in its Main Pane. The Object Manager lists the existing Business Objects.

    2. In the Object Manager, click a Business Object in the Object tree, and then click the Edit Business Object task in the Structure area.

      The Business Object Editor opens.

      Tip: You can also click the Edit Business Object button Business Object Button on the Blueprint Editor Toolbar to open the Business Object Editor.

    3. Click the Bus Ob Properties button.
  2. Click the Lifecycle page.
  3. Select the Has Lifecycle check box. You must select this check box to define lifecycle states.
  4. Define lifecycle states for the Business Object:
    • State Field: In the drop-down, select a Field (ex: Status) to hold the value (ex: New, In Progress, Closed, etc.) of the lifecycle state.
    • States: Lists the lifecycle states that have been defined for the Business Object.
      • Click Add to add a lifecycle state.
      • Click Edit to edit a selected lifecycle state.
      • Click Delete to delete a selected lifecycle state.
    • Final State: Click this button to designate a selected lifecycle state as a final state. A final state generally indicates that a Business Object record has completed its lifecycle. Common values include Closed, Retired, or Completed.
    • Recall State: Click this button to designate a selected lifecycle state as a recall state. A recall state indicates that a Business Object record that was in a final state has been reopened. This allows for special behavior and security to limit who can recall a record and what can be done with a recalled record.
    • Clear State: Click this button to clear the final or recall designation from a selected lifecycle state.

      Note: The Clear State button is only active if you have a final or recall state selected.

    • Not in Final State Text: Provide text that describes Business Object records that are not in a final state (ex: Open). This is useful for Search Groups (ex: A search for Open Incidents will return all Incident records in a state other than Closed, which is the final state). If a specific value is not provided, the system will build a string based on the final state (ex: Not closed).
    • Show Goto Final State Option in Application (the gavel): Select this check box to display the Gavel button Gavel Button on the CSM Desktop Client toolbar. Users can click this button as a shortcut option to put Business Object records in a final state.
  5. Define Queue options based on the defined lifecycle states. This allows Business Object records to be automatically added to or removed from Queues when their states change:
    Note: These options are only available if Uses Queues is selected on the General page in the Business Object Properties window.
    • Auto-add to User Queue: Select this check box to automatically add a Business Object record to the User’s Queue when it enters its initial lifecycle state and the record is associated with a particular User.
    • Remove from User Queue when put in Final State: Select this check box to automatically remove a Business Object record from the User’s Queue when it reaches a final state.
      • Field with User ID: In the drop-down, select the Business Object Field that holds the ID of the User.
    • Auto-add to Team Queue: Select this check box to automatically add a Business Object record to a Team’s Queue when it enters its initial lifecycle state and the record is associated with a particular User.
    • Remove from Team Queue when put in Final State: Select this check box to automatically remove a Business Object record from the Team’s Queue when it reaches its final state.
      • Field with Team ID: In the drop-down, select the Business Object Field that holds the ID of the Team.
    • Remove from All Queues when put in Final State: Select this check box to automatically remove a Business Object record from all Queues when it reaches its final state.
  6. Click OK.

  7. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
    Note: Before publishing a Blueprint that contains Business Objects, ensure that each Business Object has at least one Form and one Grid defined and that all of the appropriate Fields have been created.
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