Publish a Blueprint

Publish a Blueprint to commit definition changes to a test or live system. Before you publish, you are prompted to select before and after publishing operations.

Good to know:

  • Publish a Blueprint to a backup test system before publishing to your live system so that you can experiment and verify that everything works.
  • Blueprints can be published out of order (that is, if you create Blueprint 1 and Blueprint 2, you can publish Blueprint 2 and then Blueprint 1). However, depending on what you changed, you might get unexpected results.
  • A Blueprint contains only those objects that you have modified, so if one administrator works on Incidents and one works on Assets, there will not be any problem. If, however, they both work on Incidents, the changes of the last published Blueprint might overwrite the changes of the previous administrator.
  • Use the Cherwell Scheduler to publish the Blueprint after hours when all of the Users are out of the system. For more information, refer to the Cherwell Scheduler documentation.

To publish a Blueprint:

  1. From the Blueprint Editor menu bar, click File>Publish Blueprint.
    Tip: You can also publish a Blueprint by clicking Publish Blueprint in the Blueprints section of the Blueprint Editor Task Pane.
  2. Select before publishing operations:
    1. Save Blueprint: Select this check box to save the Blueprint before publishing it.
      Note: If the Blueprint is not yet saved to a named .bp file, you are prompted to name and save it. If changes are not yet saved, you are prompted to save them to the active .bp file.
      • Create rollback Blueprint: Select this check box to create a Blueprint rollback file that, when published, backs out the changes made by the published Blueprint file.
    2. Scan for errors: Scans the Blueprint for potential errors. The scan will look for missing items and alert you to any changes you need to make.
      • Stop on Warnings: Select this check box to stop the publishing process when an error is encountered.
    3. Force Out Users (selected by default): Logs all Users out of the CSM Clients.
    4. Lock System (selected by default): Select this check box to lock the system, preventing Users from logging in to CSM Clients while administrative work is being done.
      Note: System administrators will still be able to log in to CSM Administrator, but no Users will be able to log in to clients. Users already logged in will not be automatically logged out of the system.
    5. Pause All Services (selected by default): Select this check box to pause all CSM Server/Services (example: Application Server, Scheduler Server, etc.).
    6. Ignore Conflicts: Select this check box to bypass the Blueprint Conflict Resolution feature.
  3. Select Publishing operations:
    1. Publish changes (selected by default): Publishes the Blueprint to your test or live system.
  4. Select after publishing operations:
    1. Rebuild Full-Text Catalog: Select this check box to rebuild the Microsoft SQL Server Full-Text Catalog. If you change Business Objects and Fields to include or not include them in a Full-Text Search, the catalog must be rebuilt in order for the changes to take effect.
      Note: Include Business Objects and Fields in the Full-Text Searches by selecting the Include in Full-Text Search box in the Business Object Properties window (Search Results page) and the Field Properties window (General page).
    2. Restart Services: Select this check box to restart the CSM Server/Services you paused before the publish. If you do not select this check box, you must manually restart the Services using the Server Manager.
    3. Unlock System: Select this check box to unlock the CSM system you locked before the publish. If you do not select this check box, you must manually unlock the CSM system in CSM Administrator (Security).
    4. Update Validation Foreign Keys: Select this check box to update the values for Fields that store foreign keys. This ensures that selected values are updated for existing records. See Storing Foreign Keys for Validated and Auto-populated Fields.
  5. Click Publish.
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