Gauge Widgets

A Gauge Widget displays a single data point, possibly with some range data. Use a Gauge Widget to display the:

  • Number of Incidents Opened/Closed today (Text).
  • Number of Incidents assigned to me (Text).
  • Number of Open Priority 1 Incidents (Thermometer).
  • Customer Experience rating (Speedometer).

The following figure shows an example of Gauge Widgets on a Dashboard.

Gauge Widget Example

CSM provides several types of gauges:

Gauge Type Example
Horizontal Linear Gauge Horizontal Linear
Numeric (Digital or Mechanical) Gauge Numeric Digital Gauge Numeric Mechanical
Speedometer (Angle, Rectangular, Round, Round Rectangular)

Gauge Speedometer Angle Gauge Speedomter Rectangle

Gauge Speedometer Round Gauge Speedomter Round Rectangle

Text Gauge Text
Thermometer Linear Gauge Thermometer Linear
Vertical Linear Gauge Thermomter Linear Vertical

Good to know:

  • A Gauge Widget is highly configurable; define general properties (example: Gauge type, title, Business Object association, refresh rate, and filter exclusion), data to include, values to display, scale options, threshold options, text and number formats, drill-down behaviors, and display properties.
  • A preview of the Widget (with randomly generated data) is available at the top of the window. Use this to preview your Widget as you build it.

  • Refresh executes only when a Widget is active and being displayed. If you leave a Dashboard and come back to it, the data will be automatically refreshed, and the refresh timer will start over.

  • Use refresh on Widgets where the data is likely to change (example: A Widget displaying Incident data).
  • A Dashboard's Refresh properties determine whether or not to 1) use the Dashboard's scheduled refresh instead, and/or 2) allow its Widgets to refresh themselves in addition to the Dashboard's scheduled refresh. For more information, refer to Dashboard Refresh in the Dashboards documentation.
  • By default, gauge colors (banner, labels, face, grid line/tick, and threshold) and style (flat, chrome, or none) come from the defined Dashboard Theme; however you can override some of the properties.
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