Knowledge Management Dashboard

CSM provides an OOTB Knowledge Management Dashboard to help you manage the KA workflow.

Note: By default, the Knowledge Management Dashboard is available only to members of the Knowledge Team and is stored in the Dashboard Manager>Dashboards>Team>Knowledge Management folder.

Knowledge Dashboard

The following table describes the items on the Dashboard.

Item Description Widget Type Widget Name Widget Uses:
New/Draft Number of New/Draft KAs (Status = New or Draft). Text Gauge New Articles New or Drafted Articles Search Group
Submitted Number of KAs submitted to Knowledge Management Team (Status = Submitted); KA is editable only by Knowledge Management Team (read-only to everyone else). Text Gauge Submitted Articles Submitted Articles Search Group
Awaiting my Approval Number of KAs awaiting my approval (Status = Approval). Text Gauge Awaiting My Approval My KB Approvals Search Group
Overdue Number of KAs awaiting my approval (Status = Approval) that are passed their approval deadline. Text Gauge Awaiting My Approval Overdue My Overdue KA Approvals Search Group
Up for Review Number of KAs up for review in the next month (or selected timeframe). Text Gauge Up for Review Published Articles Search Group, range = filter
Customer Comments Number of Customer comments on the KA (added to a KA in the Portal). Text Gauge New Crowdsourcing Comments New Crowdsourced Comments Search Group
Submitted Today Number of Customer comments submitted today. Text Gauge New Crowdsourcing Comments New Crowdsourced Comments Search Group, range = Today
Team Comments Number of Team comments on the KA (added to a KA in CSM). Text Gauge New Team Comments New Team Comments Search Group
Submitted Today Number of Team comments submitted today. Text Gauge New Team Comments New Team Comments Search Group, range = Today
Most Used Articles Lists the most used KAs (based on Usage Counts). Button Action Most Used Articles Report
Most Popular Lists the most popular KAs, based on Like/Dislike counts. Button Action Most Popular Articles Report
Least Popular Lists the least popular KAs, based on Like/Dislike counts. Button Action Least Popular Articles Report
Candidates Number of KAs in queue to be published, by Status. Bar Chart Publish Candidates Graphs by Status
My Articles for Review Number of KAs owned by me awaiting my review. Search Results List My Articles for Review My Working KB Articles
Team Contribution Number of KAs created by each User. Bar Chart Team Member Contributions Bars represent Created By values
Updated Articles Number of KAs created by each User. Bar Chart Updated Knowledge Articles Bars represent Last Modified Date Time values
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