View Mobile Alerts on an iOS Device

Access your Mobile Alert Dashboard from the Cherwell Mobile Application Menu. The list of available Mobile Alert Dashboards is configured in the Mobile Dashboard Manager in CSM Administrator. Your default Mobile Alert Dashboard is configured as part of Cherwell Mobile settings.

The iOS application can check for alerts on startup, anytime the application is resumed, and at specified intervals. The alerts check is performed in the background and does not interfere with startup.

To view Mobile Alerts on startup on an iOS device:

  1. Configure the Mobile App Settings to display Mobile Alerts on startup:
    1. On the Cherwell Mobile Application Menu, tap Settings.
    2. Turn ON Check for Alerts on Startup.

      When there is an alert state, an alert button shows up on the application menu iOS Alerts Icon.

  2. Tap the application menu, and then tap Alerts to view alerts.

To view a Mobile Alert Dashboard on an iOS device:

  1. On the Cherwell Mobile Application Menu, tap Alerts.

    Tip: You can also view the Mobile Alert Dashboard for a scope. On the Cherwell Mobile Application Menu, tap Dashboards, tap a scope, and then tap the Alert Dashboard for the scope (if it has one).

  2. Tap an Alert (Widget) to view it in more detail.
    iOS Alerts Menu Item iOS Alert Dashboard
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