Browser Client Grids

Grids in the Browser Client and Portal look very similar to Desktop Client Grids, except that Export, Run Action, and Add/Remove Grid column options are available on a Grid toolbar rather than from a context menu or menu bar. Grid grouping is not currently available.

View a Grid using one of the following features:

Browser Client Grid Tour

  1. Grid menu bar: Displays actions available for the Grid, including navigation, Actions, and available columns.
  2. Title: Displays the title of the Grid. This might or might not match the name of the Business Object that the Grid represents. Also, a Business Object might have multiple Grids, so each might have its own name.
  3. Sizing handles: Allow you to drag the column to the width you want.
  4. Sort icon: Indicates the column currently sorting the Grid and if it is in ascending or descending order (Arrow Up Black SortArrow Down Black Sort). Click the icon to toggle sorting. By default, the Browser Client sorts Grids using single-column sorting. To sort the Grid using multiple columns, click the Multi-Column Sorting button in the Grid menu bar.
  5. Filter icon: Indicates the column data can be filtered. Click the icon to show filtering options (possible filter values appear in the column's Filter drop-down).
  6. Grid item: Each item within a Grid contains its own line of information. Clicking the item opens the record in the Main Pane.
  7. Images: Expression-driven images can be used to indicate a condition has been met (example: Display breached SLAs with an Alarm Clock image). Grid rows also support expression-driven colors.

There are several actions available when working with Grids in the Browser Client:

Grid Capability Description
Export Export a Grid to use CSM data in other applications for reporting or display purposes. For example, export a list of Customers to a .csv file so you can use a spreadsheet tool to manage a mass mail communication. You can export to CSV (.csv) and Excel (.xlsx) formats.
Run an Action Run a defined Business Object context menu Action directly from a Business Object Grid (record Grid) to quickly initiate common operations. Context Menu Actions are defined as part of a Business Object's definition.

Sort a Grid in alphabetical or numerical order, in ascending (1-10 or A-Z) or descending order (10-1 or Z-A).

Grids in the Browser Client can also be sorted using single-column sorting (the default setting for Browser Client Grids) or multi-column sorting, allowing Users to sort the Grid using multiple columns at a time.

Filter Filter a Grid by a column value so that the Grid shows only the data you want (example: Show only New Incidents). To show even more specific data, multi-filter a Grid, either by using multiple values in a single column (example: Show Incidents with a status of Assigned, In Progress, or Pending) or by using multiple column values (example: Filter by owner, and then by status).
Size Size a Grid column to a specific width to see as much or as little data as you want.
Move/reorder Rearrange a Grid by moving (reordering) a Grid column to a different location in a Grid.
Add/remove columns Business Object Grids are created and managed by a system administrator in CSM Administrator; however, you can add and remove columns (Fields) from your instance of the Grid to display only Fields that are important to you (example: Add the Owned By field to the Incident grid to view record owners). If configured, you can also add Fields from other Business Object.

For more information on Grid function in the Browser Client, see Browser Client Grid Functions.

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