CSM Desktop Client Search Control

Use the CSM Desktop Client Search Control, located in the upper right corner of the Main window, to quickly find all records that contain a specific word or phrase.

You can Quick Search all records (ex: Find all records that contain the word "printer") or limit the search to records of a particular type (ex: Find all Incidents that contain the word "printer"). When searching a particular Business Object, you can refine the search by defining search options, such as search open records only, search attachments and/or related Business Objects, search a timeframe, etc. If needed, you can also access the Search Manager to run or create a Search Group (saved search).

The Search Control is configurable (technically, it is a Search Widget) and can vary by Role. The system administrator decides if it is displayed, which Business Objects can be searched, and what the search options are. Your default Search Control (either System or Role) is initially set in CSM Administrator by a system administrator; however, if you have security rights, you can select your own default.

Good to know:

  • Searches can use AND (all words) or OR (any word) logic; the system administrator defines this default.
  • Wildcards (*, %) can be used.
  • If results are the same type (ex: all are Incidents), the results are displayed in the Grid. If results are of different types (ex: Incidents and Problems), the results are displayed in a list.

The default Search Control contains the following items.

Action Description
Choose Items to Search

Drops down so that you can select what to search:

  • Quick Search: Searches all records that contain a specific word or phrase (ex: find all records that contain the word "printer").
  • Specific Search: Searches only records of a particular type (ex: find all Incidents that contain the word "printer").
Search Displays the word or phrase to search for. The drop-down displays the most recently used (MRU) searches.
Go Runs the search. Search results are displayed in a Grid (if they are of the same type) or a List (if they are of different types).
Search Options

Drops down so that you can refine search options for a specific record type.

Open "Business Objects" only

Limits the search to records that have not reached their final state (ex: not closed).

Note: The lifecycle and terminology vary depending on the Business Object and scenario (ex: "Unapproved Changes only" might appear when searching Changes). If the Business Object does not have a "final" or closed state, the check box does not appear.
Changed Options Limits the search to records that have changed during a specific timeframe.
Relationships Includes related Business Objects in the search (ex: If the search word appears in a Journal entry, the Incident to which it is attached will be included in the search results).
Attachments Includes record Attachments in the search (ex: Searches file attachments in each record).
Sort by Selects the Business Object field (column) to use to sort the search results.
Descending Sort Order Sorts the results in descending order (Z-A) instead of ascending order (A-Z).
Search Manager Opens the Search Manager where you can create a Search Group.
Close Closes the Search options drop-down box.
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