Define General Tab Properties for a Form Arrangement

Use the Tab page in the Tab Properties window to define the following general properties for a Form Arrangement tab:

  • Name: Name to display on the tab. By default, the name either comes from the defined name of the child object in the Relationship (ex: Journals) or from the name of the additional Form being displayed (ex: Resolution Details); however, you can provide a name or define an Expression to conditionally change the name.
  • Image: Image, if any, to display on the tab. By default, the image comes either from the defined image for the child object in the Relationship (ex: Journals icon Journals Icon) or, in the case of additional Forms, from the Business Object itself (ex: Resolution Details); however, you can select any image or define an Expression to conditionally change the image. Hide the image by clearing the Tab Image check box.
  • Visibility: When to display or hide the Tab (ex: Always, only after resolution details are logged, etc.). By default, a tab is always visible unless you define an Expression to hide the tab.
    Note: The Tab Properties window is available in the Form Arrangement Editor (within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator).

To define general tab properties for a Form Arrangement:

  1. Open a Form Arrangement in the Form Arrangement Editor.
  2. On a tab, right-click>Properties.
  3. Click the Tab page.
  4. Define a tab name, using either:
    • Text: Select this radio button to accept the default name or provide a new name.
    • Expression: Select this radio button to use an Expression to conditionally provide the name. Then, define the Expression using one of the following options:
      • Stored Expression: Click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.
      • Custom Expression: Click the Custom Expression button Expression Button to open the Custom Expression Builder, and then create a custom Expression specifically for this scenario.
  5. Define the image:
    1. Tab Image: Select this check box to display an image on the tab. Clear the check box to hide an image.
    2. Select an image, using either:
      • Image: Select this radio button to accept the default image or select a new image.

        Click the Image button to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

      • Expression: Select this radio button to use an Expression to conditionally provide the image. Then, define the Expression using one of the following options:
        • Stored Expression: Click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.
        • Custom Expression: Click the Custom Expression button Expression Button to open the Custom Expression Builder, and then create a custom Expression specifically for this scenario.
  6. Define the visibility:
    1. Tab Visibility: Select this check box to conditionally display/hide the tab. Clear the check box to always display the tab.
    2. Expression: Select this radio button to use an Expression to conditionally display/hide the tab. Then, define the Expression using one of the following options:
      • Stored Expression: Click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an existing stored Expression or create a new stored Expression. Stored Expressions can be reused in numerous places in CSM.
      • Custom Expression: Click the Custom Expression button Expression Button to open the Custom Expression Builder, and then create a custom Expression specifically for this scenario.
    3. Select the Tab When It Becomes Visible: Select this check box to have the tab selected when it becomes visible (based on the defined Expression) so that its contents appear in the Form Arrangement.
  7. Click OK.

  8. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
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