Make a Form the Default Form

Use the Form Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator) to make a Form the default Form for the Business Object. The default Form is displayed by default when the Business Object is accessed.

Good to know:

  • You can select a default Regular Form and a default Mini-Summary Form.
  • Use this feature when applying a mApp Solution that includes a new Grid; you can swap in the new Grid without losing your old Grid.
  • Because CSM displays the default Form as Default Form, we recommend that you do not name a Form Default Form. If you already have a Form named Default Form (as is the case in pre-6.00 versions of CSM), we recommend that you rename it.
  • See Form Editor Behaviors for tips on working with Controls and the Form Editor.

To make a Form the default Form:

  1. Open a Form in the Form Editor.
  2. From the Form menu bar, select Form>Make this the Default Form.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

    The Form now appears at the top of the Form drop-down list as Default Form.

  4. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
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