Define Advanced Properties for a Business Object

Advanced Users can use the Advanced page in the Business Object Properties window to define the following:

  • Advanced Options: Whether or not to make a Business Object cacheable or read-only, or to associate a color with the Business Object.
  • Attributes: Additional pieces of information (or meta-data) that can be associated with the Business Object. Some attributes are automatically set, but others must be provided manually.
    Note: Only advanced Users should define attributes. For more information about attributes, please contact Cherwell Support.
    Note: The Business Object Properties window is available in the Business Object Editor (accessed from within the Object Manager in a Blueprint).

To define advanced properties for a Business Object:

  1. Open the Business Object Properties window:
    1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Blueprints category, and then click the Create a New Blueprint task.

      Note: If working on a saved Blueprint, open the existing Blueprint.

      The Blueprint Editor opens, showing the Object Manager in its Main Pane. The Object Manager lists the existing Business Objects.

    2. In the Object Manager, click a Business Object in the Object tree, and then click the Edit Business Object task in the Structure area.

      The Business Object Editor opens.

      Tip: You can also click the Edit Business Object button Business Object Button on the Blueprint Editor Toolbar to open the Business Object Editor.

    3. Click the Bus Ob Properties button.
  2. Click the Advanced page.
  3. Define advanced options:
    • Read-only: Select this check box to protect the data in the Business Object from being edited. In CSM, Users will only be able to view the data but will not be allowed to make changes to it.
    • Cacheable: Select this check box to have the Business Object cached for use as a validation table. This allows the values from the Business Object to be cached instead of retrieved from the database each time they are needed, which can improve system performance.

      Note: This is the default setting for Lookup Business Objects. You might not want to cache a Lookup Object if you expect it to change frequently or if it is very large (3MB or more). Also, even if a Business Object is marked for caching, the system might not cache it if it contains too much data.

    • Include Large Text Fields in Cache: Select this check box to also cache large text Fields (Max Allowed and Max Searchable are checked in Field Properties) and Rich Text Fields.

      Note: Large text Fields and Rich Text Fields are rarely used for validation/auto-fill. Unless there is a need to cache these Fields, it is recommended that you do not select this check box to reserve memory space.

    • Associated Color: Click the Color Selector button Color Picker Button to open the Color Selector and select a color to associate with the Business Object (ex: For use in Visualizations).
  4. Define attributes for the Business Object:
    • General Attributes: Click the down arrow Expand Options to expand the General Attributes section. Then, click an empty row and provide the attribute name and associated value (if applicable). For example, you can add the Location Aware attribute to Customer records so that Cherwell Mobile Users can map records.
    • Database Attributes: Click the down arrow Expand Options to expand the Database Attributes section. Then, click an empty row and provide the attribute name and associated value (if applicable).

      Note: Database attributes are used to indicate special attributes used for a Business Object’s database table. Most of these are set by the system.

  5. View additional advanced information for the Business Object:
    • Business Object ID: Click this button to open a window that displays the internal ID that is used for the Business Object. This ID can be used instead of the Business Object’s name in many places in the system (this is particularly useful when accessing the system via the API). The ID is used internally so that Business Objects can be renamed without breaking any Relationships.
    • Find Dependencies: Click this button to scan the Business Object for a list of other definitions in the system that use this Business Object. When the scan is finished, the Definition Dependencies window opens, listing the dependent definitions.
  6. Click OK.

  7. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
    Note: Before publishing a Blueprint that contains Business Objects, ensure that each Business Object has at least one Form and one Grid defined and that all of the appropriate Fields have been created.
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