Edit Business Object Data in a mApp Solution

The Data Editor is the interface within the Blueprint Editor or mApp Editor that allows you to edit data within a Supporting Business Object or Lookup Business Object. Use the Data Editor to:

  • Add records (rows) with new data.
  • Delete existing records.
  • Update the data in a record.
  • Clear all data from the table and replace it with new/updated data.

There are several ways to open the Data Editor.

To open the Data Editor:

  1. The Data Editor can be opened several ways in CSM Administrator:
    • In the CSM Administrator Main Pane, click the Settings category, and then click the Table Management task.
    • In a Blueprint or mApp Solution, select a Supporting Object or Lookup Object (ex: Incident Category Lookup Object) from the Object tree in the Object Manager, and then click the Edit Data task in the Structure area.
    • In the Validation/Auto-Populate page of the Field Properties window, when you select to validate a Field from a table, click the Edit Table Data button (activated after selecting a table in the drop-down).

Edit mApp Solution Data

  1. Menu bar: Displays a row of drop-down menus available in the Data Editor.
  2. Toolbar: Displays a row of buttons for operations available in the Data Editor.
  3. Main Pane: Displays either the list of records in the data table (as a Grid), or the details for the currently selected record (depending on the view you are in). The Action column shows what will be done with the data in each row of the table when the mApp Solution or Blueprint is applied/published.
    Note: Select the Clear all data from destination table check box to have all existing data in the current system Lookup Object cleared out when the mApp Solution or Blueprint is applied/published. If you want to keep any existing data, you must select the rows with the data you want to keep and click the Include in mApp or Blueprint button Include Button.

Good to know:

  • The objects for which you are editing data are automatically added to the mApp Solution For Reference Only if they are not already in the mApp Solution.
  • Because data is edited within a Blueprint or a mApp Solution, the data in your system is not actually modified until the Blueprint is published or the mApp Solution is applied.
  • Business Object Data is limited to 1,000 records. You will receive a warning if you exceed that limit.
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