Enable Rich Text on Business Object Fields

You can define various Rich Text options for Business Object fields, including:

  • Image Display: Display images in Fields and in the Rich Text Zoom window.
  • Image format and size: Override the global settings for image format (JPEG or PNG) and maximum size (per image and total for all images).
  • Spell check: Enable spell check for a Rich Text Field.
  • Default font: Font that applies to all Rich Text-enabled Fields of the same type for a particular Business Object.

Good to know:

  • Global Rich Text settings are configured in the System Settings window in CSM Administrator (Settings>Edit System Settings>Rich Text page).
  • In the OOTB system, Rich Text is already enabled on the following Business Object Fields: Incident Description, Problem Description and Workaround, Knowledge Article Solution, Discussion Comments, ITPT Project Description, and Journal Details.
  • When images in a format other than JPEG or PNG are inserted into a Rich Text Field, they are converted to the default image format selected for the Field (either JPEG or PNG).
  • Image file size increases by as much as 50% when images are embedded and stored with text in a Rich Text Field. Take this into account when selecting a maximum file size for images.
  • Rich Text Fields always have a length of Max Allowed (the maximum number of characters allowed in a Field).

To enable Rich Text on Business Object Fields:

  1. Open the Business Object Editor.
  2. In the Business Object Editor Grid, click a Text Field (example: Resolution) for which you want to enable Rich Text, and then click the Field Properties button.
  3. Click the General page.
  4. In the Field Properties section, select the Rich Text radio button.
  5. Define Rich Text Options for the Field:
    1. Form Images Are Displayed As: Select one of the following options in the drop-down to determine how embedded images are displayed in the Rich Text Field:
      • Use Global Setting (default): Select this option to display images according to the global Rich Text setting (Settings>Edit System Settings>Rich Text page). When this option is selected, the global setting is displayed in parentheses to the right of the drop-down.
      • No Image Support
      • Small Thumbnails
      • Medium Thumbnails
      • Large Thumbnails
      • Full Images
    2. Zoomed Images Are Displayed As: Select one of the following options in the drop-down to determine how embedded images in the Rich Text Field are displayed in the Rich Text Zoom window:
      • Use Global Setting (default): Select this option to display images according to the global Rich Text setting (Settings>Edit System Settings>Rich Text page). When this option is selected, the global setting is displayed in parentheses to the right of the drop-down.
      • No Image Support
      • Small Thumbnails
      • Medium Thumbnails
      • Large Thumbnails
      • Full Images
    3. Image Format: Select the image format to use as the default for images embedded in the Field:
      • Use Global Setting (default): Select this option to display images according to the global Rich Text setting for image format (Settings>Edit System Settings>Rich Text page). The global setting is displayed in parentheses to the right of the drop-down when this option is selected.
      • JPEG Format: Select this option to override the default image format so that images are displayed in the JPEG file format.
      • PNG Format: Select this option to override the default image format so that images are displayed in the PNG file format.
    4. Override Maximum Size Per Image: Select this check box to deviate from the global Rich Text setting for the maximum size of a single image embedded into the Field (default is 500 kilobytes).
    5. Override Maximum Total Size for Images: Select this check box to deviate from the global Rich Text setting for the maximum size of all images embedded into the Field (default is 3 megabytes).
    6. Allow Spell Check: Select this check box to enable spell checking for the Field. This will check for spelling errors in content that is provided in the Field.
      Note: This option is only available if spell checking is enabled in the Business Object's general properties.
    7. Allow User to Override Image Display Mode: Select this check box to give Users filling out Business Object Forms in the CSM Desktop Client the option to override the defaults for how Form images and zoomed images are displayed in Rich Text Fields and the Rich Text Zoom window.
    8. Custom Default Font: Select this check box to specify a default font that applies to all Rich Text-enabled Fields of the same type for a particular Business Object (example: If you select a default font for the Problem Resolution field, it applies to all Resolution fields in all Problems).
      1. Click the Ellipses button to open the Font window, and then select a Font, Font style, and Size.
      2. Click OK.

        Note: When designing a Form in the Form Editor, you can select a Font, Font style, and Size for a Field, which only apply to that Field in a Business Object. However, if you specified a Custom Default Font, it overrides any font selections made in the Form Editor for that same Field.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
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